10 Low Calorie Foods That are Healthy Too!
Pick the Best Low Calories Foods That are Good for You!
We all enjoy a treat but we what if we want to avoid the calories. Below is 10 healthy low calorie foods that’s an ideal way to keep your weight in check while taking care of hunger pangs.
Before we talk about low calories healthy food it’s important to know that while there are many so called low calorie foods, most of them are low quality, processed and unhealthy too! So before you grab the 100 calorie chocolate snack you’ll want to learn more about the not so good for you ingredients.
Are All Low Calorie Food and Treats Okay?
In short, no! Many zero and low cal items such as soda’s, candy, cookies are filled with hidden sugar, chemicals, and food dye.
And as they may be low in sugar, something is out in place to make it taste so good. Some include chemical sweeteners and fillers that can wreak havoc on hormone levels. And Diabetes is one type of condition that may arise from consuming these unhealthy foods. Picking the best foods healthy low calorie foods and drinks choosing will help you to manage your weight and improve your health too.
Choose Healthy Low Calorie Foods
Eating the right food can have a vast effect on managing hunger, hormones and burning calories. Healthy eating can be overwhelming, especially as you try and read complicated labels.
To help you get snacking on the god stuff we put together a list of 10 healthy low calories foods that are both delicious and nutritious.
Healthy Foods that are Low Calorie
Leafy Greens, include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards they are rich in nutrients, perfect to help with a weight loss diet. They are great snacks to eat with a simple low calorie dip.
Not only are veggies low in calories and carbohydrates, but they are packed with fiber and other vitamins for optimal health.
Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of food on your plate meals. Get creative with your leafy greens, make salads with berries and healthy green juices without increasing the calories.
Cruciferous Vegetables are perfect for stir fries and eating raw snacks.? These vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower are high in fiber and, rich in minerals and nutrients.
Besides these benefits may have are a good sources of plant based protein. Don’t dismiss what has been thought as simple peas they are loaded with fiber, especially perfect for plant based eaters and vegans alike.
Small Amounts of Healthy Protein
Though its not the lowest in calories, salmon is rich in omega 3. This is the healthy fat that keep you full for hours while helping care for skin, hair and brain health. While there are many fats to avoid omega 3 is one you want.
Salmon has a ton of nutrients with iodine necessary for the proper function of your thyroid, as well as your metabolism.
Meat Substitutes there are so many choices of meat substitutes and easily available in supermarkets.
Enjoy veggie hot dogs, meatless burgers, and chicken like nuggets. These foods are tasty and they are low in calories as well as a delicious planet friendly food.
I love plant based foods and never miss an opportunity to include them both for their taste and their protein value.
Fruit Especially the Berry Variety
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are amazing in salads and make amazing sweet treats.
Make berry Popsicles. Puree’s fruit and soak up the vitamins and antioxidants. Yummy!
Grapes are amazing snacks and perfect on salads. If you need a sweet treat one cup of grapes will satisfy the craving without quashing your diet. Want a cool treat?throw them in the freeze and let them melt in your mouth, or pop them in your carbonated water.
Beans and legumes like lentils, black beans and kidney beans are high in fiber. These protein power houses are packed with nutrients to help keep you full. Add beans to salads, make a delicious soup. Or use chickpeas to make delicious hummus (recipe on inspired taste) . This makes a perfect dip for your veggies.
Oats, are one of the great go to foods for weight loss. They are filling, full of fiber and can be used in so many ways.
One serving of oatmeal will keep you satisfied for a long time, their not only for breakfast but are great in cookies, muesli and a variety or meals.
Whole Grains are not for everyone, however there are organic and gluten free options.
Grains are packed with fiber. Choose organic? and non gmo grains. Some grains have had a bad rap, consider like good grains like cocoa rice and quinoa (protein rich) to make filling low calorie dishes.
These are just some of the low calories weight loss friendly foods that can help you shift those excess pounds.