Dealing With Difficult Times

difficult times -image of woman walking in flower field

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Encouragement is Like Water to the Soul, it Makes Everything Grow – Chris Burkmenn

Dealing with difficult times means that we are human. Through life we get to experience it all. The ups and downs of life, the good, the bad and all that comes in between.

In these tough times we all could use a little more guidance and support to get us through, in this article we put together 10 simple tips in hopes of making these times a easier to navigate.

I’m an optimist and a realist who like you has been through much, and, as painful as life can be there are things you can do to help bolster you up to help get through.

Here’s 10 simple tips how to make dealing with hard times less difficult:

1. Gratitude 

In times of struggle it can seem as if there is nothing that is good or right. But there is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude means showing appreciation for all the good in your life. Thinking about what you are thankful for can help to shift focusing on the negative. Keeping a gratitude journal is a powerful way to take back some of the control in what you are going through.

Know What You’re Grateful For

Write out everything in your life you can think of that you’re grateful for having or experiencing. Grab a journal and write a sentence or paragraph or two explaining why you’re grateful.

If your stuck for ideas then check out the list below for inspiration:

  • Starry Nights
  • Hot Showers
  • Handwritten Letters
  • Flowers
  • Friends and family or a neighbor
  • A Cozy bed
  • Your Health, etc…

The difficult times you’re dealing with will start to seem a little less significant when compared to everything that’s good and that you are grateful for in your life, right now.

2. Positivity

Now I know this may sound cliché, but positivity can be found in the most difficult of times. Staying positive is only a small but it’s an important part of dealing with adversity.

Similar to giving gratitude, finding the positive help to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

When you seek and acknowledge even a little positivity, you release negative energy opening up to a higher vibration. Positive energy helps you to see more clearly which helps you to make decision that help move through the tough times easier.

I’m not saying that you’ll never have a bad day, or get a little down. But I am saying that by training yourself to see and experience positivity that it will help you be more resilient in life.

Simple ideas for finding positivity in life

  • Read inspirational quotes, words, and books
  • Listen to uplifting music
  • Add some color
  • Post positive affirmations around the house
  • Prayer when all seems hopeless
  • Accept your flaws ( no one is perfect, which makes us all perfect)
  • Change things up
  • Move your body

3. Creativity Helps to Get Out of Your Head

There are times when you can’t do much to change your situation. It may be something that is going that will take time to move through. Often dealing with difficult times can leave us stuck, and, especially in our head. Getting creative in any form will help to get our of your head.

Get creative in any way you chose. Whether its organizing closets, doing puzzles, finger painting or digging in the dirt do it! Anything that connects you with creativity will help to move you back into your body, quell worry and reduce stress.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Taking care of yourself is important in getting through difficult times. Take a walk through the park, eat healthy food, read a light hearted book. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something kind for your mind and body.

Being harsh on yourself never makes things better. While caring for yourself is always a good practice.

5. Get Moving 

Staying active with movement such as dancing releases dopamine that will completely change your mood, and in doing so, your outlook improves. Once that happens, you won’t have to purposefully do any of the other recommendations. Feeling better will come naturally.

6. Stop Apologizing

When times are down it’s not uncommon to blame yourself. You may find you’re apologizing for things you don’t need to. This is a sign that its time to pay attention to what you say. For an example, overly apologetic people have a habit of pulling themselves down. Stop apologizing and know your worth. Here is one example of what to say:

~Instead of sorry for bothering you, you can say, thank you for helping me.

7. Focus on What You Can Control

Some situations are beyond your control and no matter what you do, you can’t change a thing. You’re setting yourself up for frustration when you focus your time and energy on things you can’t control. You’re also at risk of making the situation seem even more bleak than it actually is because you’re focusing on the negatives.

You should instead focus on the things that are within your control because that’s the only way you can make a change that’s actually going to help you. Make a list of everything you can control about the situation and divert all of your focus towards those things.

8. Realize You Come a Long Way

In times of struggle its easy to overlook what you’ve achieved along the way. This is a time to cut yourself some slack and give yourself credit for all that you have overcome. Make a list of your strengths and capabilities, and, take time to reflect on them if doubt creeps in.

9. Forgive

Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting or that something is ‘right’. If someone else is at fault for the difficult situation that you are in it’s natural to hold anger or resentment towards that person. Unfortunately that all that you feel is likely hurting you more than the other person.

Forgiveness means that you accept what occurred, and, that you choosing to release what you are harboring.

This is one of the most powerful ways to take back control, you can focus on moving forward.

10. Support

One of our basic human needs is community. There are times when we all need help and it’s ok in fact essential that we reach out for support and then to accept it. As we move through life we will experience difficult times, some more trying than others.Sometimes some basic help can make a big difference. Reach out to a friend, neighbor or seek out resources in your local community.

There are people who are willing and able to help, and when you are back on your feet you may choose to offer volunteer support or reciprocate.

“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.” – Doe Zantamata

Concluding Dealing With Difficult Times

Life is a journey rich in experience. With the tears and laughter there are times we find ourselves dealing with difficult times. These tougher times are the ones that help us appreciate and enjoy the good all the more. Since we can’t avoid the not so good times then the best we can do is to learn and grow from them.

I hope that these 10 simple things will help as you navigate back to the light, stronger, brighter and even more resilient.