10 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
If you’re like most people you may not have of paid a lot of attention to your immune system. But as we age, a less that healthy immune system can have a profound and negative effect on our overall health. So to remedy this, today we talk about some simple ways to boost your immune system daily!
Prioritize Your Immune System
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a busy lifestyle. Often our health gets put aside, and this includes our immune system. At least until a weak immunity gives us a wake-up call in the form of a health scare or worse.
For this reason, it’s important to learn what may lead to a weak immune system, and how to can create new habits to boost and build up a healthier immunity. The great news is, you have complete control over your habits and lifestyle and with a few simple tweaks, you can start building a strong immune system in no time.
10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System Daily
Here are 10 simple tweaks to Boost Your Immune System Daily. These few daily tweaks you can turn your daily routine into natural immune boosters to set up your system for success and good health.
Boost Your Immune System Daily by Reducing Sugar and Processed Food
If you want to promote a healthier lifestyle reducing your daily sugar intake is one of the best ways to begin. Sugar ad junk uts stress on your body, creates toxic chemicals and robs your body of its immune boosting abilities. So dump the sugar and fee your body in a way to fuel your body so it can naturally boost y9our immune system,
Why Sugar Damages Your Immune System
To put it simply, sugar has a negative effect on the white blood cells that fight off bacteria and infection. Too much sugar can weaken your immune system and curb the response of these cells. Of which puts you at risk for a nasty virus to move on in. Think of diabetes which brings a plethora of illness; each of which lower your immune system.
Avoid Sugar
Sugar is found in everything these days and it can be very easy to slip into the trap of consuming more than you realize. Start becoming more aware of what’s in the food you eat.
Read labels on everything, cut back on sugary drinks including that drive through coffee each morning, and add more fresh fruits and veggies to your plate each night.
You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel, once you cut back on all the sugar that has been weighing you down. By making a few simple changes to your diet, you can drastically change the way your immune system functions and maintain better overall health.
Take Time to Laugh and Have Fun
When was the last time you had a really good laugh? Or made time to have fun with friend, family or just by yourself. If you are like most people it’s been a while. Fun and laughter will naturally boost your immune system as your body will receive extra boost of natures feel good chemicals.
Make time daily to have a little fun, let loose, and simply enjoy life. All of which will have a huge impact on your stress levels. Which in turn, will give your immune system a natural boost daily.
Take time to evaluate you daily schedule. Do you make any time for the fun stuff now? If not, try setting aside some time for things that wouldn’t normally fit into your schedule. Have a movie night with your family and watch something that makes you do a full on belly laugh.
If the weather is nice, take a bike ride or blast some music and have a dance party in your kitchen. Bake some cookies or read that book you’ve been putting off forever. Life is way too short to NOT make time for the fun things once in a while. An added bonus is that your immune system and your overall health will be stronger because of it.
Hydrate Yourself With a Fresh Immune Boosting Juice
A great way to keep your immune system running at 110% is to make sure you drink enough water each and every day. Or better still nourish your body with a fresh immune boosting juice drink. Not only will a healthy juice hydrate yo9ur body but it will provide you with much needed vitamins to boost your immune system.
In addition you want to drink your water which plays an important role in helping to provide your cells with enough oxygen. In addition water assists in removing toxins that build up in your body that can tax your immune system.
Flush Away Water and Toxins
Drinking water is the best way to flush away toxins. This will give your body a better chance to fight off a plethora of health issues.
To increase your water intake ge into a habit of packing a bottle of water whenever you leave the house. This will help to avoid the temptation to buy less than healthy sugar filled drinks. In addition plan to drink water instead of soda, tea or coffee when you go out to eat. And if you prefer a little flavor then opt for lemon slices, cucumber or berries for a refreshing daily drink.
Staying hydrated will help to strengthen your immune system, thus protecting yourself from unnecessary illness no matter what time of year it is.
Wash Your Hands Often and Carefully
Washing your hands often may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s a simple and important task. Regular hand washing will get rid of germs that can impede your immune system. If you consider all of the places you go, and the things you touch, it’s easy to see how we come in contact with harmful germs and bacteria. So one of the best ways to get rid of them is to use simple soap and water.
And avoid gels that are often loaded with harsh and inferior chemicals.
I make it a habit of washing my hands even before using a washroom to make sure nothing makes contact with my delicate skin. And if you don’t have soap and water readily available consider using an organic personal hand sanitizer where the bottle has not been endlessly handled by others. In fact I love making my own simple recipe like this one I found on Vitruvi. It’s ideal to pack in my purse, the car, and a little treat to share with friends as loving way to help boost their immune system too!
Get Outside and Get Moving
One of the best things you can do everyday to naturally strengthen your immune system is take in all the benefits of the great outdoors. Spend as much time as you can in nature – soak up the sun, breath in fresh air, and take in the beauty of the world around you.
A simple walk can help you clear your head to help you think through a situation to gain more clarity and focus. Being outside is also a great way to improve your mood and decrease your stress levels. Which, in turn, will help to boost your immune system. The healing power in nature can be found nowhere else.
For this reason, spending as much time as you can outside will promote a happier, healthier you all the way around. Make an effort each day to step outside your four walls and take a walk, a bike ride, or a hike in the woods. You don’t have to make it an hour long trek (unless of course you want to). Simply take 10-15 minutes each day to take in the natural world and improve your health in the process.
Switch off From Your Phone
It may seem silly but disconnecting from your phone can actually boost our immune system daily. Taking time to switch off will by reduce your stress levels by giving your brain some much needed rest. Switch off your phone a few hours before bed, and this includes social media too.
According to the National Institute of Health, scrolling through your phone right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that preps you for sleep.
Instead of winding down, your phone is keeping you alert and awake. Sleep is a vital part of a healthy, strong immune system. For this reason alone, you want to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to get a decent, restful night’s sleep so you can wake up fully charged and ready to go.
Try creating a nighttime routine that doesn’t include electronics. Take a warm, relaxing bubble bath, read a good book or write in your journal. Allow yourself some time to unwind the natural way by putting your phone down and prepping for a night of uninterrupted, restful sleep.
Get Into Community and Connect with Others
As a human being, one of the most important basic needs is to feel connection with others. Filling your life with healthy relationships can have an impact on your mood, your mindset and even your health. Yes, you read that right. Even your health and your immune system can be affected by how much connection and socialization you get.
Being around others can boost your self-confidence and reduce your stress levels. We all know stress can cause a plethora of health issues including a weakened immune system. By stepping out of isolation and allowing yourself some good conversation, laughter and social bonding with others, you are setting yourself up for a healthier, happier life.
Great news for introverts as well – you don’t have to flip your schedule upside down and start going out every night. Simply make time to call a friend to chat or even meet up to have lunch one day a week. This simple action can work wonders on your overall health.
Eat Whole Food and Veggies to Boost Your Immune System Daily
With all the fast food options and easy to prepare processed foods, it’s no wonder that we don’t consume nearly enough vegetables in our diet. However, this is a super important habit that should be adopted STAT. There are numerous health benefits to putting more veggies on your plate each day.
First and foremost, vegetables contain a ton of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to thrive. For example, veggies like spinach, carrots, and zucchini are packed full of Vitamin A, while sweet peppers, broccoli and avocado contain a high dose of powerful Vitamin E. Both of these vitamins, along with many others assist your immune system in fighting off germs and sickness from the common cold to influenza to other health problems like heart disease.
Read About the Mediterranean Diet a Great Way to Boost Your Immune System
Adding more veggies to your daily routine can be done in a variety of ways – make up some veggie soup, blend in some greens with your fruit smoothie, cook up a veggie omelet or simply have a salad with your dinner. Putting more veggies on your plate will give your immune system the boost it needs to protect you from a vast array of health problems down the road.
Create a Daily Immune Boosting Self-Care Routine
One of the most important things you can do for yourself and your overall health, is make time for self-care. In the midst of work caring for family, and the daily chaos of life, we often forget to make time for our own needs.
However, making time for self-care will help to lower your stress levels and creating a healthier, happier version of yourself. A self car routine may be simple. Take time out to decompress, with a pedicure, facial, or simply to read a fun or inspiring magazine. Your body thrives on this renewed sense of energy which, in turn, gives your immune system the upper hand. By taking time for yourself and your own needs, you will ultimately help improve your immune system daily to help protect yourself from illness and infection.
Get Enough Real Sleep
Plenty of good sleep at night is vital to strengthening your immune system. I know it sounds easier than done. So if you are struggling with sleep issues you can take solace that there are ways you can learn to sleep better. Just like building muscle, it is more than possible to create good sleep habits. One of my favorite ways is listening to guided meditation or self hypnosis for sleep.
Instead of getting caught up in stressful dramas, take 10 minutes to unwind by watching cute animal videos. Or write thankful thoughts in your journal. Not only is it a self care practice but it will help you get in the right state of mind to get your immune boosting sleep.
How Sleep Works to Boost Your Immune System
While it may be fun at the time, you need to avoid sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can put you at a higher risk for illness and infection. During sleep, proteins called cytokines are released which help boost your immune system.. As a result this helps your immune system to do the job it’s meant to do.
Sleep also allows your body a chance to recharge overnight. It allows your body and mind to start a fresh with a full tank. The amount of sleep you need each night depends on you. But keep a track of the time and quality of your sleep and monitor how you feel the next day.
Make notes of your sleep patterns in your self care journal. This will help put you on the path to creating a sleep routine that puts you on the path to better health.
Concluding 10 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Daily
There’s no denying a strong immune system is the foundation of good health. And with a little time and effort you can turn a weak system into a more robust immune system starting today. Follow the above steps and you will instantly put yourself on the path towards optimal physical, emotional and mental health for years to come.