Coping with Loneliness and Finding Connection

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One of my favorite people to listen to is Sadhguru(above). He talks about loneliness and being alone. And though the words may make sense it, dealing with loneliness is not easy. To help you connect below is 5 tips on coping with loneliness.

Loneliness is a state of mind, not just a physical state. It can persist even when surrounded by family and friends. Dealing with loneliness can be hard to explain, sometimes there are no words, but there is something we long for.

To help understand loneliness and how to connect below is 5 tips for coping with loneliness:

1. Become friends with yourself

One effective way for coping with loneliness is to learn how to spend time by yourself in a productive way. You can do this through self-care and pursuing what brings meaning for you.

Self-care involves dedicating time to activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Such as gardening, taking a bubble bath, reading, meditating, or doing a hobby you enjoy. This may sounds cliche but the truth is everyone will spend time alone. So instead of waiting, wondering and dwelling, find way to move through the discomfort. This will help you to cope with loneliness as you practise being comfortable with yourself.

These activities will help you cultivate a positive relationship with yourself and boost your self-esteem. Which in turn can reduce feelings of loneliness.

2. Compassion and kindness helps connect with others

Showing compassion is another way to combat and cope loneliness. Many people worry that showing their compassionate side leave them feeling vulnerable. Being soft, tender and caring is not a weakness but a strength.

Practise small acts of kindness, give genuine compliments or offer or simply being there for someone who needs support, can help you feel more connected to others. Studies have shown that acts of altruism and support can improve mental and physical health and reduce stress responses in the brain. This can make you and others feel valued and less alone on our busy society.

3. Find your tribe and embrace new people

Have you ever felt alone even when you are surrounded by people. This may because you have yet to find ‘your people’. Finding your tribe is another great way for coping with loneliness. Your tribe may be people who share interests, values or like minded. So seek local community groups or online groups with others to help you connect for a sense of belonging and find some inner peace.

4. Let go of expectations to cope with loneliness

In a world of high expectations, perpetrated through fake entertainment and unrealistic advertising many people have been unwittingly set up to live a life that doesn’t existent. So let go of expectations that may be holding you back from enjoying the life you deserve. Allow yourself to embrace who you are, and make changes and step into the world as your authentic self.

5. Embrace the messiness of friendship

Lastly, it’s important to let go of the idea of a perfect friend or a perfect social situation. Friendships can be messy, and not every interaction is perfect. We all have imperfections, so that goes for others you meet too. So embrace the ups and downs of social interactions. And remember that it’s okay to make mistakes or experience awkward moments.

This mindset can help reduce feelings of social anxiety and increase your confidence in social situations. Let go of the idea of a perfect friend and embrace the ups and downs and some of their flaws social interactions. Remember that friendships can be messy, awkward, and silly at times.

Concluding Tips for Coping with Loneliness and Finding Connection

The above tips can help when coping with loneliness. And remember you are not alone, there are millions of people who struggle with being alone. So be courageous and reach out to others, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. So reach out and follow through. It may not only be theĀ  it may be the perfect way to make new acquaintances that may end up being the perfect friend.