Change Your Life With These 6 Mind Shifts
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There is so much more to life than just going about your daily routine. It’s about getting what you want out of life, achieving your goals, and being the best you can be. Living your best life shows up in the way you walk, how to talk to others and the way you take life by both hands and embrace it. Today we talk about 6 mind shifts to live your best life every day!
So how do you do this? The best way is to change your life it by taking action. A few simple mind shifts will transform your life. Change begins with a thought, that turn to a belief and as those changes integrate you life will change.
Below are 6 mindshifts to help change your life starting today!
1. Acknowledge You Deserve the Best
If you feel you don’t deserve to succeed, the chances are you’ll never get started, let alone actually follow through with your goals. You will get more of what you want when you put in the effort to go after your goals and dreams if you’re deserving of them.
Keep telling yourself that you have everything you need to take that first step. Also known as attraction. Then, make adjustments and fix whatever needs fixing along the way.
More importantly, you have to recognize that you deserve the best. always.
2. Believe You Can Learn From Failure
Often, we hold off taking that first step. But fear of failure sells us short as time passes by. Instead of worrying about failing consider success.
We cannot grow unless we try, and even if we fail we grow. Then we get up again and move forward. The best way out of this rut is to look at failing as an opportunity to learn. Also, remind yourself it’s only temporary, and you are growing in life even if it feels like a set back.
When you change your mindset it will eventually lead to changing your life. All it takes is a bit of resilience, perseverance, and patience and the willingness to take a risk.
3. Choose – What is Meaningful to You
Yes, it’s true that you’re capable of many great things in life. You can do anything you set your mind to.
However, no one, yourself included, can do it all, at least not all at the same time. But imagine if you got 10% of what you want. What an amazing step towards living a life you want.
For example, you can be a writer, a rockstar, or explore the vast depths of the oceans. Though, it’s highly unlikely that you can do all of them. You can do much of what you desire. It is more that possible to live with passion and purpose.
Make a list and pick chose what has meaning for you. And let go of the others (at least for now). This way, you can pour all your focus on what matters and the objectives that will help you to change your life.
4. Patience – Good Things Take Time
Thanks to the modern technology we get things done quickly. We pay our bills in an instant, whip up a meal in minutes and we’ve become an impatient society as a whole. Don’t let instant gratification ruin taking the time to focus on what you want and deserve in life. All that is good and meaningful takes time to start and develop. Life is a journey and often the best part of getting what you want is in the journey. It is the pace where memories are made.
This means that if you want to live your best life, you have to be patient with yourself and the world.
However, the best recipe for having good things in your life is to work hard and let everything else take off. At the same time, you have to pace your expectations and learn to enjoy the process as a whole.
5. Let Go of Perfection
One of the best things you can do to change your life is to let go of perfection. There is no such being perfect. Social media, tv and photoshopped images in magazines have their way of making us feel less than perfect. The truth is under the makeup, shiny cars and pretty clothes ‘perfection’ are real people with faulty lives. Which means there is no perfect. So when you let go of the ‘idea’ of perfect and be more accepting, you allow yourself to stop comparing yourself against people and things that simply don’t exist.
Things like “I have to be perfect” and “I’m not good enough” are statements we often tell ourselves. But they couldn’t be farther from the truth. Not only do they force you to have extremely high expectations of yourself and your life, but they also force you to focus more on your shortcomings and flaws.
The worst part is that this kind of thinking has a negative impact on your physical health as well. If left unchecked, it can lead to serious, often life-threatening health conditions.
6. Take a Risk and Change Your Life
If you feel life is dull maybe it’s time to take some risks. Now you don’t have to skydive, or travel solo to India (unless you want to), but what about following a dream like learning to sing, dancing the salsa or cooking up some new food and inviting friends for a dinner party.
Life is short so take some risks and try out things that you always wanted to do. Eat the cupcake, get the tattoo, or start dating again. Do what it is that makes your heart sing.
Concluding 6 Mind Shifts to Change Your Life
Little by little, these simple mind shifts will change your life. This will help you to learn to enjoy life more, quirks and all.
After all, it’s the only one you’re getting. So, celebrate the successes and learn from the failures. And if any of your beliefs have a negative impact on your life, fine-tune and tweak them until they promote you living your best life!