6 Ways to Calm a Busy Mind

ways to calm a busy mind
Happy woman Pexels

One of the greatest gift you can give to yourself is to learn how to calm a busy mind. A calm mind brings inner peace, and it improves our overall physical wellness. If you’re not sure where to begin, below is 6 ways soothe the chatter of a busy mind. 

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1. Close Your Eyes and Focus

If you notice that your mind is racing take a moment and close your eyes. Then think of a place that you enjoy such as a beach, the lake, or another place that brings you peace. Maybe it is a comfortable chair where you sit with your cat or dog.

When a thought comes to mind, as if you can notice the colors, the sound and the feeling of peace. This helps quiet all the nonsense and helps you focus on the here and now.

2. Tune Into Your Body

A great way to keep a clear head and calm the mind chatter is to focus on different parts of your body. Close your eyes and start from your head to your toes or the other way around. Notice the different feelings you get as you focus on each part of yourself. This will help you to clear unwanted thoughts, and help you feel positive about yourself.

3. Be Part Of Nature

Hiking can be one of the most amazing ways to clear your head. You’re constantly walking through the great outdoors, seeing some of the most spectacular views, and you’ll find yourself not thinking about anything else at all.

Nature holds some of the most beautiful things this world has to offer. Embracing the elements in such a way can keep a clear head for hours.

4. Deep Breathing to Calm a Busy Mind

Breathing exercises are an excellent way of calm your mind. Finding a pattern to breathe deeply too is one of the most relaxing ways of calming down. Ever notice when someone says take a deep breath is so that they can calm down and focus on how they can relax. I recommend doing breathing exercises while meditating.

5. Shift Attention

If you are constantly focusing on the negative things in life, then it’s time to shift attention onto positive things . One such way is to write in a journal. It’s a positive way to help to calm your mind. Writing in a gratitude journal is a powerful way to shift negative thoughts to to more positive thoughts.

If you are new to journaling, you can begin by listing all of the things you are grateful for. There is nothing too small to note… Consider all the things you’ve done in your life up until this moment and write them down. Start with your health, education, success, friends, family, hobbies, and anything that has meaning for you.

6. Stop the Self Labels

If you have a habit of labeling everything and everyone (and this includes yourself) it’s time to let them go. Living by labels adds unnecessary stress and unrealistic pressure. Letting go of labels that society and media has placed on you it will help calm your mind and make room for simplicity and happiness in life. Treat yourself with love, and compassion. And seek what bring meaning and purpose in life for you.

Concluding 6 Ways to Calm a Busy Mind

There’s no denying its impossible to avoid all stress. But with practise you can help to calm a busy mind to experience more peace. make time each day to practise self care, and follow a few of the above tips to calm your mind.