7 Elements of Health and Wellness

7 elements of health and wellness
Image courtesy of Adina Lavinia Molvan – Pexels

Achieving overall health and wellness goes beyond eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. It involves applying yourself in all seven elements to balance your holistic wellness. These elements include emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, social, environmental, and intellectual wellness. To help you begin, we explore the 7 elements of health and wellness as a whole.

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Seven Elements of Holistic Wellness:

  1. Emotional wellness
  2. Physical wellness
  3. Spiritual wellness
  4. Occupational wellness
  5. Social wellness
  6. Environmental wellness
  7. Intellectual wellness

Emotional Wellness Is Crucial to Holistic Health

Being well involves caring for your emotional wellness. This include taking care of your emotions, and, the people and events that trigger them emotional issues. One of the best ways is to begin your day with morning habits that will set a foundation for the rest of your day. It is crucial to seek balance by setting time aside for yourself in practise such as meditation and yoga to help calm your mind thus helping avoid overloading your mind. This will help you stop feeling overwhelmed with life and improve your emotional wellness.

Physical Wellness

You can achieve and improve physical wellness with simple and regular exercise. Basic physical health requires regular exercise, eating nutritious food and getting plenty of quality sleep each night. In addition to the above drinking plenty of water is important for physical health.

Spiritual Wellness Helps You to Get In Touch With What Matters to You

Spiritual wellness goes beyond religious beliefs. This includes your values in life that can be achieved by practicing gratitude. Being grateful makes space for a positive outlook on life. And it helps to reduce the risk of developing depression and feelings of worthlessness. Take time to write in your journal daily. Make notes of what you are grateful for and all that you are ready to attract.

Social Wellness  to Improve Your Overall Well-being

A quality life of health and wellness includes social wellness. This involves understanding your own needs and values and establishing positive relationships with the people you want in your life. It is crucial to surround yourself with positive people, and maintain healthy contact with your family.

If there is toxic people in your life, it’s okay to let them go. Even if hurts to let them go, it is something you must do as part of your health and wellness regimen. Instead of spending time with toxic people, do something that lifts your spirit. Get involved in the community where you live, and volunteer for a cause that is important to you. This is another way you can boost your social wellness and overall health and wellness.

Occupational Wellness – Career and Hobbies With Meaning

Occupational wellness involves evaluating whether the work you do makes you happy or miserable. Don’t waste time in a career that cause your health to suffer. Take the necessary steps to make changes if your job causes you stress, anxiety, and disempowers you.

Environmental Wellness

Where you live and spend your time has an incredible effect on your health and wellness. Environmental wellness involves living in a place that promotes your overall health. Part of this includes keeping your home clean with toxic free cleaners. And keeping the air and water in your home free from harmful substances.

In addition to the aforementioned, use color and decorate your home in a way you enjoy. And where possible use fabric that are natural that does not harm overall wellbeing. Our environment has a huge impact on our overall health. So create a healthy environment whether at home or your workplace.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness involves continuing to learn new skills and opening your mind to more opportunities and possibilities. Play intellectually stimulating games that sharpen your brain and/or play against other people and sharpen your wit. Keep learning to expand your knowledge and values in life.

Concluding the 7 Elements of Health and Wellness After 50

No matter what your age it’s never too late to change your life. You can make simple changes in all areas of your life to develop and integrate the seven elements of health and wellness to complete your whole wellness. It all starts with you, and you are capable of taking the steps toward a whole life. Start working on one element or all seven elements of health and wellness to achieve complete holistic health.