9 Exercises to Improve Eye Health Naturally
Tired, blurred, strained eyes? It’s time to take notice! Our eyes are on overload, staring at screen for hours on end. Here are 9 simple exercises to improve eye health naturally.
Give Your Eyes Some TLC With These 9 Easy to so Improve Your Eye Health Exercises
1. Blink
Blinking is something we do naturally, right? Yes, except when eyes are drawn to luminous light there is a tendency to blink less, which causes dry eyes.
To avoid dry eyes you can moisten them. Every 15 minutes, blink intensely for a minute. This simple eye exercise will feel much better quickly.
2. Do the Pencil Exercise
After hours of work in front of the screen, this exercise is ideal to strengthen your eye muscles.
Ophthalmologists sometimes use it during check-ups to test the vision of their patient.
With one hand, stretch a pencil at the level of your eyes, but at an arm’s length. Without ever taking your eyes off the pencil, bring it closer to your nose and, then, move it away.
Lift it up and lower it in turn. Repeat these movements several times. It is an excellent gymnastics for the eyes.
Read Weighted Aromatherapy Eye Pillows for Relaxation
3. Close Your Eyes
It is important to give your eyes a rest. Bright lights, tv screen, dust it’s hurts just thinking of all that eyes do. Improve your eyesight by giving your eyes a much needed break.
Close your eyes and place your palms on your eyelids to block the light. Your hands allow you to achieve complete darkness and recharge your eyes with their heat.
Consider deep breathing during this one-to-two minute rest session. If you are suffering from a migraine, close your eyes and lean backwards with your head against the back of your chair.
4. Move Your Eyes in Circles to Strengthen Eye Muscles
When looking at the screen, eyes quickly get tired. Regular breaks and a little eye gymnastics are essential.
This exercise is easy to do when you have little time. Look in front of you and make circles clockwise with your eyes. Perform the same movement in reverse.
This way, you maintain your visual acuity and you strengthen your eye muscles.
5. Blank Page Space Exercise
Do you spend hours reading intensively to the point that your eyes are coming out of your head? This exercise can help you improve your reading skills.
Fix your gaze on a page of text, but, instead of focusing on the black text lines, follow the blank spaces. This is effective for taking a break from reading without losing concentration.
6. Do the Infinity Sign Exercise
Also called “lying eight,” this exercise is a more elaborate variant of the preceding one. Draw the infinity sign in the air with your thumb starting from the center and proceeding from top to bottom.
Allow your eyes to follow your finger to soften your eye muscles and improve your peripheral vision. Repeat the exercise three times.
7. Gently Massage Your Eyes
Most headaches are due to eye strain. You can naturally improve your eyesight and reduce eye strainĀ with a relaxing d-i-y eye massage.
Place the tip of your index finger on your temples and perform slow circles for thirty seconds. Then, rub your eyes circularly with your fingertips following the contours of an imaginary mask.
Finish by pinching the edge of your nose. These movements will make it possible to improve the circulation at the level of your eyes, but also to relax the frontal muscles.
8. Improve Eye Health Naturally with Acupressure
Acupressure is used to heal the body naturally, and, it is a great way to improve eye health. It is possible to relieve visual fatigue and relax your tiny eye muscles through some acupressure points, and it’s so easy you can do it yourself.
With your right hand resting on your navel, press the pulp of your left thumb over your sternum and perform a circular massage for 30 seconds.
At the same time, move your eyes from right to left and up and down. This exercise will relax you and increase your concentration abilities.
9. Eye Yoga Exercises to Improve Eye Health Naturally
Some yoga postures can help you improve your vision. For this exercise, you must be standing and have sufficient space to move.
With your legs more apart than your shoulders, and knees flexed, stretch your arms in all directions, alternately following the movements of both hands.
Not only do these movements allow you to relax your body, but they improve your peripheral vision. You also become aware of the space around you, which teaches you to better deal with spatial indications.
Wrapping Up Exercises to Improve Eye Health Naturally
Take a few minutes daily to perform these simple exercises that help to improve eye health naturally. If you want to learn to further relax the body and mind then you might like to read 6 ways to calm your mind and stress less. And try relaxing eye pillows to ease tension. Your body will thank you.