get healthy legs

Take Care of Your Legs – 9 Ways to Improve Leg Health

Sitting, standing, bending, our legs do it all. It’s easy to underestimate just how much our legs do for us. Until of course they start to ache and our joints hurt.

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Take care of your legs and they will last you a lot longer in life than if you neglect their care. To help you care of your legs including your joints, muscles and skin we put together 9 ways to improve leg health.

First, you need to understand how to take care of your joints. Your joints are typically the first parts of your legs that will fail you, such as your ankles, knees, and your hips or pelvis. To maintain good care of your joints, you want to have a more active lifestyle.

1. Keep Your Joints Strong

Sedentary lifestyles can lead to your joints becoming weak due to a lack of use. You’re definitely going to want to remain active if you want your joints to stay strong. Another important aspect of taking care of your legs is, of course, regular exercise.

Not only does this keep your joints strong, but it also increases blood flow and circulation in your legs, ensuring that they stay healthy. Running and jogging will keep good circulation running through your legs, decreasing the chances of any possible injuries or anything like that in the future.

Working out your legs can also help increase their longevity, but you have to be careful. If you work out with your legs incorrectly or push them too hard, you can actually end up damaging your joints or muscles.

But as long as everything is done correctly, you’ll be fine. There are plenty of exercises that you can do to make your legs stronger and more toned. For example, many people like to do squats.

This develops a ton of muscle around your quadriceps and glutes, making it a very efficient method of building muscle on your legs. There are also a ton of machines that you can find at gyms to help you work out your calves, hamstrings, and even your hip abductors and adductors.

2. Massage Your Legs to Relax the Muscles

Caring for your legs involves many of the same things you would do to ensure whole-body health. One of the ways to improve leg health include massage. This will help relax tired muscles and increase circulation. Regularly taking care of your legs by rolling them out after an exercise or a long day using a foam roller with help overall leg muscles.

3. Eat Right for Healthier Legs and Increased Overall Wellness

Maintaining a healthy weight limits stress on your legs and promotes general wellness. Our legs take the burden of any excess weight we are carrying around. Eating a healthy diet such as that of the Mediterranean plan will not only help us improve our leg health but will improve overall wellness.

4. Stock Up On Lotion

Moisturize your skin twice a day to maintain its elasticity and help support cell walls, which in turn can prevent varicose veins. In addition applying moisturizer will help to get your circulation moving. And, at the same time helping keep the skin on your legs more supple.

In addition consider using cream such as Venorex that is specifically formulated for vein health. It’s made with natural ingredients may help to improve leg health.

5. Avoid Sitting All Day

Long periods of sitting, whether at the office, can be dangerous. Sitting in a car or on a plane can lead to deep venous thrombosis or blood clots. For every 90 minutes you sit, take a five-minute walking break. Go visit a co-worker, get a glass of water or step outside for a little fresh air.

6. Elevate Your Legs to Improve Leg Health

When reading or watching television, prop up legs parallel to the ground by resting them on a stool or a chair. This helps keep blood from staying in the lower legs and improves blood flow to the rest of your body. Elevating your legs will also help with vein health too.

7. Take Cooler Showers

Exposure to prolonged or excessive heat during long, hot baths can dilate blood vessels. This decreases the return of blood from the legs to the heart and may result in varicose vein formation. Taking a cool shower is good for the circulation, relaxes the mind and is a perfect way to improve leg health.

8. Take Supplements to Support Joints and Care for Your Legs

Take supplements such as ProJoint Plus can help to improve leg health. It’s made with a proprietary blend of natural ingredients. That is formulated to support cartilage and joint health. One of the primary ingredients is Glucosamine Sulfate, a naturally occurring chemical compound to support the body surrounding the joints.

9. Quit Smoking

It’s not secret that smoking is bad for you. But when it comes to taking care of your legs smoking increases the risk of damage to vein walls and may result in varicose veins, leg ulcers and osteoporosis.

Concluding 9 Ways to Improve Leg Health

Look after you legs using these 9 ways to improve leg health. In addition practice yoga, and use the RICE method as you will see below to improve leg, joint health and healthy feet too .

Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE)
  1. Rest. Rest and protect the injured or sore area
  2. Ice. Cold will reduce pain and swelling
  3. Compression. Compression, or wrapping the injured or sore area with an elastic bandage (such as an Ace wrap), will help decrease swelling.
  4. Elevation – Put your feet up to improve circulation.