Essential Oils Best for Hormonal Changes

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image of essential oils for hormonal changes

Natural way to rebalance hormonal changes with the best essential oils that work! For anyone whose  struggled with moodiness, anxiety, weight gain or acne it’s likely that their hormones are out of whack.

So what are these hormones?

Hormones are chemicals that send messages around the body. These hormones are responsible for regulating and controlling a variety of body functions. And, all it takes is just one little change to cause an imbalance.

Hormones regulates it all from skin to hair, weight loss to and emotional outbreaks. So, what causes hormonal changes and how can the imbalance be corrected.

What is hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance is exactly what it sounds like. Our hormones have job of regulating our bodies functions. And, if hormones levels go too high or too low, our body will suffer. Though all sexes get affected by hormones, it seems that women get the brunt of their wrath when they’re unbalanced.

Women often struggle with hormone imbalances. Factors such as menopause and stress contribute process.

All these symptoms can severely affect your life and reduce your productivity. So you can see why it’s keep hormone levels in check. To help you do this you have few options such as medication or if you’re looking for a natural solution consider aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy for hormone imbalance 

If you think that aromatherapy is just for massage then think again. In fact aromatherapy has been used for centuries due to its natural wellness properties. Many women who deal with hormonal fluctuations such as menopause or insomnia turn to aromatherapy as a natural solution.

image of hormone balance essential oils for hormonal balance book

Aromatherapy uses plant based oils essential oils that contain a substance called phytoestrogen. This substance behaves in a similar way to estrogen’s produced in our body. This helps create a balance in the body and keeps adverse symptoms at check.

Essential oils for hormonal imbalance

Okay, we established that essential oils can help manage hormonal changes. But, what are the best essential oils since essential oils have different uses. It is important to pay attention to your body and your unique symptoms. That way you can get the best essential oils for hormonal change to manage your symptoms.

Or why not get a blend of oils that are specifically created to help balance hormones.

Here are some of the essential oils that you can try.

Sweet Fennel Oil

First on the list is sweet fennel oil. This oil has a lot of benefits. For starters, it has natural estrogen content in it so it helps balance the estrogen levels in the body. Fennel oils is also a natural toner and can be used to tone saggy or wrinkly skin. Apart from this, it helps in digestion and promotes gut health.


Pine Essential Oil

In women approaching menopause, osteoporosis seems to be a common problem these days. Pine oil can be quite useful in such cases. Several researchers have concluded that pine oil might prevent/reduce bone loss and help manage osteoporosis in older women.


Rose Oil

Rose oil is famous for its uterus strengthening properties. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle in women. In perimenopause stages, rose oil helps reduce hot flashes, promote sleep and improve your mood significantly.

image of rose essential oil


Known for it’s hormone rebalancing properties Cypress an essential oil to consider. It has natural estrogen’s content in it and helps balance estrogen in the blood. The oil is also famously used to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin. It can also be used to treat muscle soreness and muscle pain. The oil has a pleasant aroma and can be used as a natural deodorant to control body odor.


Lavender is probably one of the best essential oils to treat menopausal symptoms. It helps control heart palpitations, hot flashes, headaches and anxiety. The oil with its pleasant aroma can calm your mind and help you sleep better. It also helps combat low libido in older women.

Sweet Marjoram

Sweet marjoram is an aromatic herb that has several benefits for older women. This fragrant essential oil works to help calm the nervous system as well as soothing tires muscles. Sweet marjoram can also be utilized reduce the symptoms of RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). RLS is a condition that often affects older women and can be related to certain medications too. It also helps maintain a hormonal balance in the body and improves sleep.

marjoram essential oil


Fresh scented grapefruit is another essential oil that has numerous benefits. This citrus oil has ample amounts of Vitamin C in it. When applied to the skin, it treats acne and repairs damaged skin. Grapefruit oil aroma has a calming effect on the mind and can be used to treat anxiety. Grapefruit oil can also help regulate blood pressure in the body.

grapefruit oil

Ylang Ylang

Last but not the least is Ylang Ylang. This oil has a sweet, addictive aroma that can instantly calm your mind. For this reason, it is used to relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia and even depression. Apart from this, it also increases sexual desire, combating low libido in menopausal women. When used on the skin, Ylang Ylang oil promotes a natural glow from within.

ylang ylang essential oil

Clary Sage

Clary Sage in another incredible essential oil for hormonal changes. It is known to help slow the development of osteoporosis that occurs in women above 40. Clary sage can help with lowering blood pressure and even blood circulation in the body. For menopausal women try it for symptoms like hot flashes too.

ylang ylang essential oil

How to use essential oils?

There are a plethora of ways in which you can incorporate these essential oils into your life.

  1. Add a few drops on any essential oil to a diffuser and allow it to diffuse throughout the room. You can enjoy the aroma of the oils and experience its calming effects throughout the day.
  2. Use essential oils while bathing. Add a few drops of it to your bathtub and soak yourself in the water. These days you will also find soaps made with essential oils.
  3. Massage these oils into your skin twice every day to release muscle tension and soreness. Massaging oils into the skin can also reduce cellulite on certain areas in the body.

These days’ essential oils are also available in roll-on sprays that can be applied directly to the skin or affected areas.

Wrapping Up the Best Essential Oils for Hormonal Changes

While essential oils have plenty of benefits for your mind, body and skin, they may not not be suitable for everyone. So before using essential oils for hormonal issues it’s best to discuss any medical conditions with your physician.  It is also always better to dilute the oils before applying onto the skin.

When purchasing the oils, get them only from trusted manufacturers and follow the instructions given on the bottle.
