Have a Successful Garage Sale to Make Extra Money and Declutter
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Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Having a successful garage sale is a fun way to make extra money and declutter to simplify your life. Something we can all do with from time to time. And not only are to getting some benefits, you are giving others the opportunity to get a deal on something they may need too.
Benefits of Having a Successful Garage Sale
- Make some extra cash
- Declutter your home
- Recycle and help the planet
- Get to know your neighbours
There are lots of reasons to have a garage sale, all you need to do is set a date and make a plan. So how do you plan a successful garage sale.
Plan a Garage Sale – What to Do
It’s easier if you involve your family and friends. As the saying goes “Many hands make light work”
Invite Neighbours and Friends
Invite your neighbors or friends to bring their items over and to help set up. The more things you have for sale the more potential customers you’ll attract. Plus, they can help with the advertising costs, sign placement, price marking and just keeping an eye on the money and the merchandise.
Start with accumulating items long before you have a garage sale if possible. That’s not to say a spur of the moment sale won’t be successful as well. Place things for sale to one side where you won’t have to be looking for them on the day of the sale. Go ahead and write the price on a sticker and put it in plain view, not on the bottom. The more things you get done ahead of time, the more you’ll enjoy the day.
Prepare and Plan Your Garage Sale
- Check your community for required permits if it a community style garage sale. (some towns require a permit but the cost is minimal)
- Place an ad in the newspaper and save money by keeping it brief.
- Make flyers and hand them out around the neighbourhood
- Look for a community Facebook page
- If you do have a specialty item, go ahead and mention
- Don’t forget tp put your address of the sale. (yes, it happens)
- Signs can bring extra traffic to your sale because not everyone reads the paper.
- Make sure your sign is readable and not too flexible
- Write in large, bold letters.
- Some cities prohibit garage sale signs anywhere
Setting Up Your Items for a Successful Garage Sale
- Place a few interesting items near the roadway
- Use lights to attract the crowd and a little light music is okay
- Greet people and allow them to browse
- Prices your items about a quarter of what it cost new or less
- Don’t price items on sentimental value in the price
- Always be truthful on the condition of an item and point out any flaws before the purchase
- Display merchandise attractively (avoid piling up so customers can see what is on display
- Have plenty of change on hand along with plenty of bags for purchased items.
- Be willing to dicker a bit
- Hide or cover anything that’s not for sale
- Have fun while you are earning extra cash and decluttering
- Plan to sell off or donate leftover items
At the end of the day have a box to store unsold items and you can have another garage sale another day. And if it’s time to declutter, then arrange for a charity to pick up and take away anything. A garage sale is a great way to free yourself from clutter and organize your space.
Best Time to Have a Sale
The goal of having a garage sale for extra cash and declutter is just that. So you want to make sure to pick the best time and encourage the optimal turn out of buyers.
- Avoid Don’t have a garage sale on a holiday weekend
- Try to pick a weekend when the weather forecast looks good
- Plan for a winter garage sale
Winter and Pre Christmas Garage Sales
If you plan a pre Christmas garage sale to make extra money then make up some hot chocolate ad lets people know it is available. Many people will come out and look for items and gifts year round. Just make sure there is a a canopy or room in your garage to protect your items and give buyers a dry place to browse.
Safety Tips for Hosting a Successful Garage Sale
Guard your money and watch for shoplifters. While most people are wonderful and honest, there is always a chance of a someone less honest. Have a friend or 2 to help keep and eye on the merchandise. Interact and stay alert don’t get distracted hanging out with friends, though it’s fun, this is not a time to get distracted. Most people are honest and rarely is there a problem.
What to Do at the End of Your Sale
When the sale is over count your money and put it in a safe place. Net you will need to take down any signs you put in people’s yard or on the roadways. Pack up unsold items, or donate for an instant declutter.
Concluding Have a Successful Garage Sale to Make Extra Money and Simplify
Remember as the old saying goes, “One man’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Almost everyone, rich and poor, spends money at garage sales. In fact some people hold garage sales on a regular basis as a hobby or way to make extra income. And other flip items for a living, and a successful living at that.