Meditating with Eyes Open

When you first start meditating with eyes open, it may be a little difficult to focus on your breath or silence your thoughts. But before you say no, I think you’ll want to learn about some benefits and how to practise it.   

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Benefits of Open Eye Meditation

Meditating with your eyes open has many benefits, including:

Improve focus and concentration

If you find it hard to focus during meditation, keeping your eyes open can help you stay alert and focused.

Staying awake

Oftentime people who meditate with their eyes closed fall asleep. And though sleep is a good thing you’ll have more benefit if you stay awake. Meditation is a practise of focus, and keeping your eyes open can help you stay awake and alert.

Improve eye health

Certain open eye meditation techniques, like Trataka, can help to improve your concentration and eye health.

Practise Anywhere

With open-eyed meditation, you can meditate anywhere, anytime and calm a busy mind. Whether you’re at home, waiting for an appointment or even on public transportation. This method of meditation is perfect if you have an appointment such as a Dr’s or dental and want to be calm and relaxed.

How to Practise Open Eyes

If you’re new to open-eyed meditation, here are a few tips to help you keep your eyes open and focused:

  • Blink often to keep your eyes from getting too dry
  • Pick a spot on the floor or wall to focus on and keep your gaze soft
  • If your eyes do start to close, simply reopen them and refocus on your spot
  • Lower the lighting in the room to reduce the strain on your eyes
  • Start with short eye-open meditations at first to condition yourself

What If You Can’t Do It at First

At first you may find that you are aware of your surroundings and the things around you. This is because you’re not filtering out all of the external stimuli like you would if your eyes were closed. And though you may find it a little overwhelming at first, it’s a simple act of self care that you can learn to do.

And you will find its a great way to meditate in the outdoors and taking quick meditation breaks if you are waiting for appointment or have a few minutes spare.

Type of Meditations That Practise With Open-Eyes

Open-eyed meditation is used in many different traditions, both Eastern and Western, including:

  • Trataka – A concentration technique that involves staring at a candle flame or point on the wall until tears form in your eyes. It’s said to help improve vision and concentration.
  • Mindfulness of Breathing – A popular mindfulness meditation technique that can be done with your eyes open or closed.
  • Zazen – A form of Zen Buddhist meditation that is traditionally done with the eyes open, focusing on the breath.
  • Gazing – Is a type of meditation where you focus your gaze on an object in front of you, usually a flower or candle flame.

Concluding Is Meditating With Eyes Open Better

The most important thing is that you make time for yourself so you can gain the benefits, It will help you to get calm in difficult times and for moments where its time for quiet.

If you find it easier to focus with your eyes closed, that is perfectly fine. But if you’re looking for a new challenge or want to try something different, give meditating with eyes open a try.

It does not matter what type of meditation you chose. The most important thing is that you take the time to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment. There are so many positive benefits to meditation, including mental, physical and spiritual. So do whatever it takes to form a habit of meditating daily and reap the benefits it brings.