Set Attainable Goals in Your 50’s and into Retirement!

 setting attainable goals for women

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Failing to set goals leaves you open to times of regret. Set attainable goals in your 50’s, and for your retirement years will help you to avoid living with unrealized dreams. To help begin, below is a few ways to set attainable goals in your 50’s and beyond, and plan for a life of fulfillment and happiness.

We make adjustments all through our life. This means career, hobbies, family life and so much more. So it only makes sense that we need to make adjustments for our next stage in life. This will help us to get more out of life as we move through our 50’s and into retirement. To help move through these changes setting attainable goals are powerful!

~ A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Dream ~ Quotes

Whether it is financial, health or having a meaningful life, setting goals that are attainable will not only help you to stay on track but can actually turn them into a reality.

So, how do you set these goals

The first step towards setting attainable goals is to determine the type of goals that you are setting. Goals can either be short term or long term and should be one that aligns well with your objective. You can set a variety of goals. Choose goals that will help you to live a life that you want and while being the best version of yourself.

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The second thing is to write your goals in the form of a positive statement. Write them as if you have it will happen. For example. I live near the beach in Spain, while I study regional cooking learning to flamenco dance. Be specific and clear with your intention, and the universe will work to create opportunities for you to reach your attainable goals in your 50’s and beyond.

All the goals should be written down and in a complete form. Revisits them often, add to them when necessary and put your attention on your goals. You can even make a vision board if you prefer visual goal setting. Start simply and try a format such as: by the end of this year I want to accomplish such and such a thing.


What is a SMART goal? SMART is the acronym that stands for:

  • Specific – clearly define what you are trying to achieve
  • Measurable – criteria to know when you have achieved goal
  • Action-oriented -action to achieve goal is clear
  • Realistic – make sure it is attainable and reasonable
  • Time-bound  – set a definite deadline

Another thing to take in to account is the word ‘SMART‘. This to say that your goals should be specific and not ambiguous; they should be measurable both quantitatively and quantitatively. They should also be attainable. This is to imply that they should not be far-fetched and be time bound. That is you should have a certain time on which you should have accomplished.

Be Specific When Setting Your Life Goals Women Book

Each and every goal should have assigned priorities. They should be prioritized in a way that you start with one that is up in the rank instead of starting with them as a whole. This is vital so that you do not end up not knowing where to start.

Ensure that you also organize all the resources that you need in such a way they help you in ensuring that you meet the set goals. Have a vision and see yourself achieving the set goal.

Concluding Setting Attainable Goals

Remember these are your goals for your life. Goals are never too big or small. But breaking them up in to attainable goals in your 50’s and beyond will help you to achieve success as you move towards the bigger picture and how the fit into your life. Consider reviewing your goals from time to time so that you do not lose focus and you are on track to attaining your goals. Work on them daily and make moving toward your goals a part of your daily habits.

All the major goals can be broken in to small bits so that you are able to properly visualize and see yourself achieving them. Breaking them in to bits also makes them manageable. Also as priorities change consider also changing your goals so that they align well with priorities in life.

When you are comfortable in creating your own goals and you tirelessly work to attain them its a surefire way to boost your confidence which in turn helps you to lead a happy, fulfilling and more meaningful life.