Under Eyes Bags How to Get Rid of Them 

woman with bags under eyes

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There’s nothing like dark baggy eyes to make us look tired, listless and look older than we are. But as much as we despise them the truth is that not all eye bags can be removed without surgery.

Now that we got the bad news out of the way, the good news is that we gathered some of the top how to tips to rid the appearance of under eye bags without painful surgery, and, from the comfort of at home.

But before we begin it’s a good idea to understand what causes eye bags and so we can opt for the best way to soothe and reduce dark circles and under eye bags, safely and gently.

Causes of Under Eye Bags

There are hundreds of factors that contribute to the causes of the under-eye area appearing puffy or swollen. Causes such as age as discussed in an article by the Mayo clinic to a multitude of everyday issues that don’t require surgical intervention.

Below is a few causes that can be remedied at home such as:

  • Fluid retention
  • Salt intake
  • Lack of sleep
  • Allergies
  • Smoking

All of the above can be addressed with a few simple life changes or products that are specifically designed to reduce puffiness and the appearance of under eye bags.

Tips to Get Rid of Under Eye Bags

The following tips can help you reduce or eliminate bags under eyes:

  1. Use a cool compress. Dampen a clean washcloth with cool water. While sitting up, gently apply to the skin under and around your eyes for a few minutes.

2. Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important to our overall wellness, as well as help to reduce the under eye circles.

3. Sleep with Your Head Raised. Elevate your head, and if possible sleep on your back. You can opt to use a pillow or better still raise your mattress, and be sure as to not kink your neck.

4. Limit fluid before bedtime. Too much fluid before bed, can lead to water retention. So enjoy your favorite herbal tea in a small cup.

5. Wash off old make up. Take a few minutes to cleanse off old make up. Next, apply a gentle night cream specifically designed for the delicate under eye area.

6. Reduce your salt intake. Pay attention to what you eat and be mindful of hidden salt. Too much salt will retain fluid that contribute to puffiness and bags under eyes.

7. Don’t smoke. Smoking aggravates the problem of bags under your eyes.

8. Reduce allergens. To avoid rubbing overly irritated and sensitive eyes talk to your doctor about prevention of allergies. And, wherever possible use cosmetics for sensitive skin avoiding under-eye reactions due to cosmetics, hair products or other allergens.

Simple natural home remedies to rid under eye bags

For temporary eye bags relief perhaps caused by a late night, apply a cold compresses or a few slices of or chilled tea bags.

Place them over the affected area and they will quickly do the magic. It will also help if you provide your head some loft with a pillow while sleeping to prevent fluid retention.

Topical eye bag removal formulas

Hydrating Eye Cream w/ Green Tea Extract, Dead Sea Minerals 

There is a variety of under-eye creams, gels and serums formulated to combat mild eye bags. They are an effective choice especially those with retinol and vitamin C ingredients.

Applied around the eyes, they’ll fight eye bags and other signs of aging such as dark circles, wrinkles and crow’s feet. Unfortunately, some of these formulations only provide a temporary lift.

Dermarolling or Jade Rollers for under eye bags relief

If you haven’t yet heard about dermarollers then I highly recommend checking them out. These small skin care tools are a must have in the anti aging arsenal. Not only do they improve circulation but they work to help in stimulating an overproduction of collagen in response.

The result is tighter, plumper, brighter, even looking under-eye skin. Above is the needle free jade roller on Amazon.

Concluding How to Get Rid of Under Eye Bags without Surgery

When we began it was said that there is no magic solution to completely rid under eye bag without surgery. But the good news is that under eye puffiness and dark circles can be reduced with these at home anti aging tips. In the above article we chose the best of and most affordable products to help you in your quest to get rid of eye bags without the surgery and that’s affordable.