7 Things About Menopause 

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Profuse sweating, hot flushes, tired, drained and irritated, are just a few of the symptoms of menopause. And if those aren’t enough there is a whole lot more to know. Here are 7 Thing You May Not Know About Menopause and some tips that can help.

Menopause is the most misunderstood subject in the world. And that’s an understatement!. All women will go through menopause in some form. Each with a very unique experience.

So today we’re talking about 7 things every woman should know about menopause.

1. Your Journey is Unique

Did you know: Your menopausal experience can be completely different from what your mom sister or best friend experiences?

That’s because every woman has a unique menopausal journey. So just because your sister isn’t suffering with irritating hot flashes … doesn’t mean you won’t.

2. There are 3 Stages of Menopause 

There are 3 stages of menopause: Perimenopause, Menopause and Post menopause.


Perimenopause is the first stage of menopause. It begins when your hormone levels start declining. This stage can last between 5 to 15 years before reaching menopause.


Menopause is a point in time that occurs 12 months after your last period. This is when your ovaries stop releasing eggs. Menstruation stops… and you can no longer get pregnant.


Post menopause is the last and final stage. Phew!… not so easy. as it can last 5… 10… 15 years and beyond. Even though can no longer get pregnant, menopausal symptoms continue. Say what!

3. Menopause Symptoms Can Begin in Your Early 30s

Though, its not common, perimenopause can start in your early 30s.

4. Some Women Experience Menopause for One-Third of their Life!

Menopause can be a long tough haul. If you enter menopause early… and your  post-menopause drags on… it’s possible to suffer from menopausal symptoms for one-third of your life. Yes, really… This is why it’s important to do all you can to make it easier on you and your life.

That’s why Provestra is designed to help you through it all.

5. You Can Still Get Pregnant During Perimenopause

In the perimenopause stage, though your hormones begin declining, since your ovaries can still release eggs. It’s possible the pregnancy is possible.

6. Hormones Are Like a Roller Coaster 

menopausal woman

Though menopause is caused by declining hormones… the truth is… these hormones are like a roller coaster ride.

Many women confess feeling happy one day… and the next day feeling angry, down and depressed.

That’s why Provestra works to stimulate the production of three key hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone for helping you feel centered, balanced and cool as a cucumber.

7. Symptoms of Menopause There are Over 50

You likely heard about symptoms like hot flushes, vaginal discomfort and moodiness. But these are many more that can change a woman’s life on their journey through menopause. Besides the above mentioned are dozens of symptoms which bring a plethora of symptoms.

And since menopause can take up a 3rd of your life, its important to address and improve the symptoms where you can.

List of the Most Common Menopausal Symptoms

  • Hot flashes/Night sweats
  • Moodiness
  • Irregular periods
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain
  • Depression/ Anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Low sex drive
  • Dry skin, mouth, and eyes
  • Increased urination
  • Sore or tender breasts
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Racing heart
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Painful or stiff joints
  • Reduced bone mass
  • Less full breasts
  • Hair thinning or loss
  • Unwanted hair growth (on the face, neck, chest, and upper back)
  • And, intimacy crushing loss of libido

Is there Anything That Can Help

There are things you can do to make sleeping a little more comfortable. Such as cooling sheets, and get a fan for your bedroom and wearing cotton sleep wear.

Eat a diet such as the Mediterranean diet. This will help you to lose weight gained as well as it is a diet that will help keep lean muscle while managing the fat.

Walking daily will help keep you trim as well as keeping your lymphatics working. In addition a 20 minute walk will help keep your mood in check and help you sleep better.

Take all natural supplements that will help to keep your hormones in balance. Beside helping you feel better, a quality supplement such as Provestra can help with vaginal dryness, improve libido and other factors that come with menopause.

All Natural Supplements for Menopausal Women<==

Women may have one of a combination of these symptoms. That can range from mild to life changing. And in different degrees of intensity (at different stages).

Taking Life Back with Provestra – a Natural Supplement for Menopausal Women

Don’t accept the menopause gets better with time. Without balancing hormones naturally the symptoms can quickly rob you of life as you know it.

Menopause and Sex

As women, we’re complex sexual beings — our heads, hearts, and health all play BIG roles in whether or not we’re interested in sex, let alone if we are longer capable of actually ENJOYING it!

So to re-ignite the fire of passion and desire, while easing menopausal symptoms taking all natural supplement like Provestra can begin achieving balance in your life.


And a good place to start is with a daily nutritional supplement like Provestra®!

Provestra® has been specifically formulated to nourish your sexual and reproductive systems with a powerful blend of herbs and nutrients — plus, fuel the fires of desire with 100% natural aphrodisiacs.

Still not convinced that you need a good enhancement cream, you can get the FAQ’s here

Women’s busy, stressful lifestyles and our tendency to put ourselves last means that deteriorating health usually plays a KEY role in our lack of desire.

A daily supplement of Provestra® offers you a quick and simple way to begin achieving “healthy” balance in your life.

Provestra for menopause symptoms


Read about the Libido Boosting Cream that works for vaginal dryness too!