Best Fermented Greens for Gut Health If you don’t get enough nutrients from fresh greens and vegetables daily you may be putting your health at risk. And this includes stomach issues. And when your stomach suffers so will your skin, hair and even brain wellness. If you are lacking in enough of the good stuff, …
Good health is something many of us take for granted. But as we age aches and pains sneak in. Flexibility is not quite the same as our muscles get tight and our joints sound more like squeaky floor boards.
Many women notice a turning point in the middle years and realize now is the time to take charge of our wellness.
Women Over 50
For many women over 50 health has taken a back seat due to family, work and life in general. Now is a time to recliam our life and taking care of our health is a priority.
Living Well 50
At we share tips, idea’s for healthy living helping you can get the most out of life. We are excited to share this journey with you. Living Well 50 is an online magazine website for all to enjoy and is especially geared for women over 50.
It’s for women like us :)
Working Out at Home After 50 – Great Get Fit Tips
11 Tips for Working Out at Home After 50 Many of us prefer to work out at home. We can plan it around our schedule and while binging in our favorite show. To help you get the most out of your exercise regimen we out together 11 tips for working out at home.
Do Knee Pillows Work – Ease Pain in Back, Hip and Knees
Knee Pillows for Pain Back, Hip and Knee Pain A good night rest is essential to repair the body and heal the mind and body. But not with nagging pain which disrupts what would be a sweet slumber. If you suffer with back pain, knee issues or aching hips then see how a knee …
Foods to Stay Younger What to Eat and Avoid
Foods to Stay Younger What to Eat and Avoid One of the secrets – probably the biggest – is what to eat to to stay young, vibrant and healthy. Today we talk about what to eat and what to avoid with foods to stay younger.
Chronic Pain and Psychological Trauma
Chronic Pain and the Psychological Trauma Link Often people think of their body being separate to their mind and their emotions. But everything is connected. And when begin to look at ourselves as a whole it become easier to see how chronic pain and psychological trauma may be linked.
7 Hobbies For Physical Health
7 Hobbies For Physical Health Navigating the creation of a long, healthy, and prosperous life can feel overwhelming, or worse, tedious. To combat this, it helps to make things that are good for us both accessible and fun. To that end, the following seven hobbies for physical health have you covered.
Have More Energy for After 50 With Yoga and Meditation
Meditation & Yoga to Have More Energy After 50 Do you want to have more energy? Yes! Then this article is for you. Yoga and meditation once thought reserved for “alternative lifestyles,” or “hippy-dippy” types, have amazing benefits for everyone. Including women after 50 who yearn to have more energy.
Burn Belly Fat Fast With Ikaria Juice
Burn Belly Fat Fast With Ikaria Juice Most people would love to burn belly fat fast. And if you’re like most people you tried more than a few times. This said today we talk about Ikaria Juice; the lean belly juice touted by thousands of users for belly fat loss success.