Protein Ideas for Vegan and Vegetarian Eating! If you are thinking about trying a meatless diet, chances are looking for protein ideas for vegans and vegetarian. After all getting enough protein is an important factor in a diet.
Good health is something many of us take for granted. But as we age aches and pains sneak in. Flexibility is not quite the same as our muscles get tight and our joints sound more like squeaky floor boards.
Many women notice a turning point in the middle years and realize now is the time to take charge of our wellness.
Women Over 50
For many women over 50 health has taken a back seat due to family, work and life in general. Now is a time to recliam our life and taking care of our health is a priority.
Living Well 50
At we share tips, idea’s for healthy living helping you can get the most out of life. We are excited to share this journey with you. Living Well 50 is an online magazine website for all to enjoy and is especially geared for women over 50.
It’s for women like us :)
What Is SIBO Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
What Is SIBO aka Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Cause and Ways to Prevent It Above is the SIBO Diet Plan Amazon Let’s face it Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is quite the mouthful. So to save time and get to the point we” often use it’s acronym SIBO. We’ll talk about what is SIBO, possible …
Do Vaginal Tightening Gel Work See Which One
Vaginal Tightening Gel With Natural Ingredients Does natural vaginal tightening gel work? If you pick the right one… yes! Thousands of women use vaginal tighteners including gels to bring back vagianl tone and the sensation lost over time. Today we look at one of the best vaginal tightening gels with natural ingredients!
7 Best Allergy Reducing Products for Home
7 Allergy Reducing Products to Ease Allergies at Home If you suffer with allergies, you know how they can impede your lifestyle. To help reduce them we put together a list of 7 of the best allergy reducing products to use at home. Like the above Hathaspace Smart Space Air Purifier.
Wake Up Happy and Fresh: Products to Help You Sleep Better
Products to Help You Sleep Better and Wake Up Fresh and Happier Stress,clocks changing, hormonal changes, aging, and more wreak havoc on our sleep making it tough to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning. To give you a much-needed morning boost we put together 10 products to sleep better and wake up happier.
Upper Body Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Upper Body Injuries & How to Avoid and Treat Them Upper body injuries (including some extremities) are some of the most commonly seen injuries in an emergency setting. The frequency of these injuries can increase as we age due to aging joints, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis to name a few. This post may contain affiliate links click …
Natural Heartburn Remedies That Work
Natural Heartburn Remedies that Work! Above is Gaia Herb Reflux Relief – Available on Amazon Heartburn strikes at the worst possible time. Just when you are enjoying a dinner with friends or drifting off to sleep the burning sensation hits. It’s a burning and uncomfortable feeling. And you recount the last time it happened when …
7 Common Types of Arthritis What to Know
7 Common Types of Arthritis This post may contain affiliate links click here to learn more ❤️ Arthritis is a painful condition that affects millions of people. It may involve joint pain, swelling and stiffness as well as other symptoms. It’s a condition which can cause incredible discomfort. And it can alter the condition of one’s life …