manage chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome How To Recognise and Manage It

If you are constantly tired, feel exhausted, emotionally drained there is a strong possibility that you may be suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome. Today we talk about chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as CFS for short (sometimes adrenal fatigue). We look at some of the common symptoms of Chronic fatigue and then share a few ways to manage it.

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Is There a Cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

First it’s important to note that there is no single cause for chronic fatigue syndrome. This is frustrating for anyone who sufferer with it as it is not easy to pinpoint ad fix. And though the name suggests it’s a sleep condition, CFS is is somewhat complex and it comes with multiple side effects.

Beside the physical and emotional toll, people who suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome often feel misunderstood. And though there is no one size fits all remedy to fix chronic fatigue syndrome there are ways to manage so you can have a better quality of life.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

what is chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disease with its origins unknown. The most common characteristic is persistent exhaustion. The exhaustion can lead to low productivity, a loss of quality of life, and often results in anxiety and depression.

It’s estimated that over one million Americans suffer with CFS, and millions more people around the world. In recent years  the condition has also been given a new name – myalgic encephalomyelitis.  It is also known as ME for short.

What Is the Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There is no known cause of CFS. However, research shows there may be links to be genetics. And, some research suggests that some people with CFS may also have the Epstein-Barr virus (known to cause mononucleosis) or the Ross River virus (a debilitating virus which affects joints, making them painful and swollen).

In addition, some CFS suffers are found to have Coxiella burnetii, ( a bacterial pathogen). However, its still not knows what comes first. Chronic fatigue syndrome or another disease such as Lyme Disease. CFS has some similarities to other illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism and many others.


Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There are many symptoms of CFS, below are some of the most common symptoms:

Overwhelming Fatigue

Just like the name suggests fatigue is a major symptom of CFS. As previously mentioned, fatigue lasting for six months or more, this is an indicator of CFS. The fatigue itself can come with multiple symptoms such as: chronic sleepiness, headache, vertigo, muscle aches and weakness, brain fog, moodiness and more.:

Sleep Disturbance (Chronic Insomnia)

Often people with CFS have a tough time falling asleep and staying asleep. They cannot fall asleep, even though they are desperately tired. They tend to wake due to sound or even simply rolling over. And often the get anxious that if they get to sleep they will sleep late or they won’t function properly the next day. 

Cognitive Problems

Chronic fatigue often leaves people struggling to make decisions. And when they do its not uncommon to have difficulty remembering or being able to focus. Even following a simple recipe or following through on paying the bills may seem like a difficult task as the mind begin to wander or even go blank. This is both stressful and often times frustrating as the simplest of tasks can seem to be a struggle.

Anxiety is a Noted Side Effect of Chronic Fatigue Sufferers

There lots of reasons those who suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome may suffer with anxiety. Form the lack of sleep, to low energy and falling behind in everyday life. Many types of illness is a cause for anxiety and chronic fatigue is no different. People who suffer with chronic fatigue often struggle as they worry about letting others down and wonder if they will ever feel ‘normal’ again.

In addition to the above below are some of the other possible symptoms of chronic fatigue.

  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Muscle Aches
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Pain Sensitivity
  • Sore Throat
  • Low-Grade Fever
  • Body Pain
  • Slow Reflexes

Talking to Your Doctor About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

One problem with getting CFS is most people who come down with it were probably very active and healthy prior to experiencing this problem. Due to that, they don’t have a detailed record of health prior to the condition manifesting and they tend to end up talking to doctors who don’t realize or understand the real problems of CFS.

If you think you or a loved one has CFS, your best bet is to first find a doctor who truly understands the condition. And one who knows how to care for people with CFS, such as a functional medicine doctor that treats CFS or ME.

Take Someone with You to Your Appointment

Taking someone to your Dr Appointments may help. Someone who can listen and take note while you focus on your appointment.

  • Ask Questions – When a doctor is recommending certain tests, it’s okay to ask more questions. You want to know how this test will lead your doctor to treat your symptoms.
  • Write Down Your Questions – Bring a list of questions. Most Doctors are in a rush; a list will help to get all your questions answered.
  • Keep Track of Your Symptoms and Be Specific – A journal of your symptoms that clearly describe your symptoms will help you to get a better diagnosis.
  • Take Notes – You are unlikely to remember everything your doctor says. So make sure to take notes so you can refer to them later.
  • Second Opinion – It’s okay to ask for another opinions. You are advicating for your helath and your life. Never be afraid of getting a second opinion if you need more information. Most doctors are rushed in today’s healthcare world. By visiting your Doctor should need disability or medical further assistance.

Get a Diagnosis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Rule Out Other Issues

It can be along process that requires ruling out everything else it could be. And even after all the tests, some doctors still don’t want to diagnose CFS because they want to find the cause first. Or there is just no clear cause.

tired woman

Rule Out Conditions Below with a Visit to Your Doctor


Some medication cause tiredness. Your doctor may check your medication to rule out medication related fatigue. Take a list of all medications you are taking including any over-the-counter medication, herbs, and supplements.

Sleep Apnea

As the names suggests this condition typically affects sleep. A few simple tests can rule out sleep apnea. Beside sleep disturbance sleep apnea can increase the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular issues.


Diseases such as cancer can make a person tired. There are tests such as lumbar puncture, medical imaging, plus blood and urine tests that can help to rule out cancer.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease has many side effects. It is said to be one of the most difficult diseases to treat as it can help multiple symptoms while having a test show up as a negative one.


Though people joke about it, narcolepsy is a real condition that causes people to fall asleep suddenly. Your Dr. may order a sleep study in order to learn more ab0ut sleep habits and conditions.


This is a serious condition that should be diagnosed. It can also cause chronic fatigue. This is done via a urine test called an antinuclear antibody test (ANA), but also via various blood tests. Sometimes imaging tests are done as well as a biopsy.

Multiple Sclerosis

Some of the symptoms of CFS may be similar to that of early MS. So its not uncommon for a Dr to test for MS to rule it out.

Viral Infections and Bacterial Infections

Infections such as strep can cause symptoms to that of chronic fatigue. A Some blood tests can rule out most viral infections.

chronic fatigue

Addison’s Disease

Often adrenal gland issues like CFS appear like anemia, low blood pressure and skin discoloration. Blood tests that measure sodium, potassium, cortisol, and ACTH may be done to rule this out.

Vitamin Deficiency

Many people are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. A simple blood test will show if you are lacking and require additional vitamins in your diet.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid issue often appear similar to that of chronic fatigue syndrome. Usually a blood test test can help to detect a thyroid condition.

Mitochondrial Disorders

This disorder is characterized when the body’s unable to produce enough energy to perform all its functions. Simple tests can rule this out too.

So, now we discussed some of the possible test a Dr may perform. Next we discuss a few of ways to help you manage chronic fatigue syndrome.

Ways to Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There are treatment options for people who suffer from CFS, but there is no known cure at this time. With this said there are ways to manage chronic fatigue syndrome. Let’s take a look!

Eat a Healthy Whole Food Diet

One of the best ways to manage CFS is to eat a good diet. Opt for a diet that is well nutrient packed with whole foods such as the Mediterranean diet. Not only is it a balanced diet but it is one that even the pickiest eaters enjoy as it is flavor packed. It has high nutritional value and allows for favorite foods, has lots of rich in flavorful food so you never feel deprived.

Develop an Exercise Plan to Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Even if you’re tired, it’s important to move. Gentle exercise daily will help to manage your chronic fatigue syndrome.

Start at your own level. And don’t worry about what people say. You can build on your routine gradually. Focus on keeping your muscles strong and increasing flexibility so you can live your daily life.

Yoga is a great way to manage stress and exercise without over-exerting yourself.

 Have a Good Sleep Regimen

manage chronic fatigue - woman sleeping

Most people find relief when they have a regular sleep regimen. Create a routine by going to bed at the same time each sure that your bedroom is an oasis for sleep. Get rid of distractions such as technology, bright lighting, and anything that distract you from sleeping. One tip is to use a white noise machine or a fan to help you fall asleep easier.

In addition invest in comfy pajamas, a set of great cooling sheets, and a mattress that is perfect for your needs. In addition get blackout blinds on your windows and make sure it’s dark. This way you’ll sleep much better.

Sleep Tips

  • Set your alarm to give you 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night
  • Pre bedtime bath
  • Clear your mind with guided meditation

Drink Plenty of Fresh Water

Make sure you drink plenty of fresh, water to help you stay hydrated. Aim for at least eight to ten 8-oz glasses of water a daily.

Get the Right Supplements to Help Manage Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

You’ve likely had blood tests by now that indicate your vitamin levels. If you lack certain vitamins then supplement your diet with one that are recommended. In many cases, people only need B12 and D3, And, if muscle pain is an issue some people find that they require magnesium. In any case its important to talk to your doctor before you add these vitamins into your diet.

Clean Up Your Environment

Many people have more chemicals and toxins in their life than they realize. There are hidden toxins such as formaldehyde and petroleum that can be found in carpets, household, cleaning products, clothing, and make up to name a few. Detoxing your home and environment can be a big step towards managing chronic fatigue syndrome.

Start using environmental friendly products. Opt for natural fibers such as hemp and cotton clothing and seek out natural makeup that is chemical free.

In addition:

  • Use good air filters
  • Replace plastic with glass storage containers
  • Wear natural fibers such as cotton, hemp and linen
  • Use organic products on your skin and in your body

Small changes make a massive difference when taking care if your health.

Be Gentle on Yourself

Some days you have more energy than others. So it’s important not to push yourself too hard. Start by taking care of your basic needs and the essentials to care of your home.

Rethink Your Work Life

This may sound like a tall order. But if your job is physically demanding or stressful, then your job may be detrimental to your health. If you suspect this then contact your local government office and see what is available in case you require retraining. In addition check out options in the event you would require disability.

Eat a High Quality Diet

One of the biggest things you can do to manage chronic fatigue syndrome is to eat the right diet. One such diet that offers nutritious and balance is the Mediterranean plan.

Manage How You Exercise

It’s common to think if we exercise more or harder we’ll improve our chronic fatigue condition. But the wrong exercise will over exerts and already tired body which will likely cause more damage. So instead of pushing your body at the gym consider aqua exercise, practice yoga, or go for walk that will soothe your mind while taking care of your body.

Self Acceptance and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

One of the most important aspects of chronic fatigue is learning how to love and accept yourself. Accepting that your fatigue condition is not your fault will allow you to go gentle on yourself when managing CFS.

Let Go of Unsupportive People

Unlike illness or some issues chronic fatigue is not visible and therefore often difficult to understand. With this said some people cannot get a grasps and may even think y0u are complaining or that you lack effort in life. Because of this and other reasons we may have people in our life who are less than supportive. So instead of trying to make an extra effort or push yourself you may need to let some people go, at least while you take care of you.

Concluding Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Life is too short to settle with poor health. If the signs of chronic fatigue syndrome sound familiar, or if you are suffering in any way then it’s time to visit your Dr. Start following the above steps and put a stop to chronic fatigue from robbing you of another day!

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