Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Before It Gets a Grip!
For some reason diabetes type 2 doesn’t evoke the fear it should. Diabetes is a serious condition that can sometimes come with dangerous and debilitating side effects. And, in almost all cases having diabetes will require making a variety of life changes to manage it. So today let’s address the ways to prevent type 2 diabetes before it gets a grip on you! One of the most terrifying aspects of diabetes is that most people have no idea they have it. Most only discover their condition after they suffer one or more of its serious effects. Managing diabetes typically requires making a few lifestyle changes and it often requires taking medication either until their diabetes gets under control. Or more often than not for a lifetime. With this said medication alone will not fix diabetes.
Another fact is that diabetes can strike at any stage in life. So no matter your age it’s time to take steps to prevent type 2 diabetes today.
How Big is the Diabetes Type 2 Issue
Approximately 537 million adults have diabetes worldwide. And the number of individuals with type 2 diabetes is growing dramatically due to the rapid rise of obesity in the world, in addition to some other factors. Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney disease which makes it an even greater health problem.
High Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes
Some people live with chronically high blood sugars often for years. And because there is often few signs they have no idea they have an issue. Lack of education, confusing food labels and a trust in food manufacturers are often contributing factors to the diabetes epidemic. So it’s understandable some people are not even aware that they are at risk.
Why We Must Take Steps to Prevent Diabetes 2
Diabetes is massive problem that it is directly or indirectly responsible for huge expenditures of health resources around the world. And though the reduction in these numbers would have tremendous economic benefits it is not happening,
For this reason we must take responsibility for our health and that includes making every attempt to prevent diabetes type 2.
In what follows, we look at some of the characteristics of diabetes with a focus on type 2 diabetes. We look at the main causes and risk factors, and the methods to implement to prevent the condition or reverse it if possible.
Characteristics of Diabetes
Diabetes is classified into two types: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is the condition in which the pancreas does not produce insulin because of autoimmune destruction of certain cells in the pancreas. Diabetes type 2, or adult-onset diabetes, is the condition in which the pancreas produces less insulin. And the insulin that is produced is resisted at the cellular level which leads to the inadequate glucose metabolism.
What’s important to know is that type 2 diabetes is the most common of diabetes. And it is the type of diabetes in which preventative measures can be the most effective.
Below are a some of the of the specific signs and symptoms, including:
- Polyuria – increased urination
- Polydipsia – increased thirst
- Nocturia – the need to get up at night to urinate
- Blurred vision
- Fatigue
- Headaches
Common Causes and Risks of Diabetes
The factors that lead to diabetes are in relations to insulin resistance and impaired insulin production.
Insulin Resistance
When people tale about diabetes type 2 you will often hear the term insulin resistance. So what is it and what does it mean. In a nutshell insulin resistance is defined as a condition in which the response to insulin by the tissues of the body is inadequate.
Insulin resistance is most frequently associated with obesity. In addition pregnancy can also lead to insulin impairment ins response to the production of hormones by the placenta which counteracts insulin effects. In some individuals with type 2 diabetes, there are insulin receptor abnormalities that can lead to problems with insulin resistance.
Insulin Production
One of the issues that hyperglycemia can cause is a worsening response of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. The increased glucose levels have a toxic effect on these pancreatic cells, and they produce less insulin.
Another thing that can happen with the pancreas is that it does not respond adequately to insulin resistance that occurs peripherally in the cells. The pancreatic beta cells don’t realize that the insulin levels in the blood are not controlling the hyperglycemia, and they don’t produce additional insulin to help the situation.
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
It takes proactive motivation to prevent diabetes, and those that are aware of their risk of the condition will do well to adopt this behavior. If you know that you have a family history of diabetes, it is crucial to acknowledge and address you are at risk. And that you will commit and do what you can to prevent it from occurring in your life.
Be Aware
Being aware of the major risks factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet will help you take notice of where to begin making changes when it comes to preventing diabetes.
Family History of Diabetes
If you know that you have a family history of diabetes, it is very important to see a primary care provider. This will help to rule out diabetes or make adjustments to prevent or manage diabetes if you have it.
Visit Your Dr to Get Tested for Diabetes
A few simple blood test such as a hemoglobin A1C test will assess your glucose homeostasis. In addition your physician may perform a glucose tolerance test.
By simply knowing this information will help you to manage your risk of diabetes effectively.
Pregnancy and Diabetes
In addition, it is important for those pregnant to be very careful about the risk of gestational diabetes. And if there is a history of , gestational diabetes, it is imperative to be under the close management of an obstetrician for preventative management in cases of recurrence of gestational diabetes.
Smoking and Diabetes
A critical aspect of diabetes prevention is to avoid smoking at all costs. Many studies have demonstrated the increase risk of developing diabetes in those who smoke. If you smoke, you must quit. It’s no secret that smoking has adverse health effects. Avoid vaping, nicotine in all forms and avoid second-hand smoke too.
Diet and Exercise Aids in Preventing of Diabetes Type 2
Some of the best methodologies to prevent diabetes involves a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a healthy diet. A well balanced and nutrient rich whole food with plenty of fiber will help to decrease overall body fat, which is the culprit that instigates most insulin related problems.
A few of the best diets that help to prevent and manage diabetes is the DASH diet or Mediterranean diet. These diets are shown in some clinical trials in decreased incidence of diabetes.
Final Thoughts on Ways to Prevent Diabetes Type 2
Prevention of diabetes is an excellent goal, and anyone at risk should make every effort to achieve it. If more healthy-minded individuals had this attitude, diabetes could be thought of less as a disease and more as a complication. If the focus is placed on prevention of diabetes, the number of individuals who can benefit is overwhelming.
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