Save Money at Christmas for a Happy Holiday!

Five Ways to Save Money at Christmas
Image courtesy of Daniel Reche Pexels

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If money is tight this holiday season, then consider cutting back on your holiday spending? Take a minute to read through the following suggestions – Five Ways to Save Money at Christmas!

1. Set a Budget to Save Money at Christmas

It’s important to set a budget if you are going to save money at Christmas.  Fail to do so and you’ll spend more money than you plan. It’s easy to spend too much when you’re not keeping track of your purchases. More importantly, it can be financially dangerous for people who find themselves living from paycheck to paycheck. That being said, set a monetary limit for yourself and stick to it. This will help to ensure that you don’t go overboard to avoid suffering after Christmas financial stress it can bring.

2. Baked Goods and Do-It-Yourself Gifts

DIY or “do-it-yourself” gifts are a heartfelt and a popular way to express how you feel about the important people in your life. Making your own goodies is a great way to save money at Christmas while making a gift from the heart. There are lots of customizable DIY Christmas projects. As well as tutorials on how to make them, on popular websites like Pinterest Facebook and Youtube.

Bake homemade recipes and treats for the people on your gift list. The thought in itself is greatly appreciated. Homemade gifts are a much loved age-old tradition. You can keep it simple, by making a plate of treats for your co-workers. Or personalize things by whipping up some of each individual’s favorite sweets. In many cases, you can buy the ingredients needed for DIY gifts and baked goods in advance and while they are on sale. This will help to significantly reduce the cost, rather than buying something that is already made.

3. Host a Potluck Christmas Dinner

Try hosting a potluck dinner this year by simply asking your guests to bring the dish of their choice. Since the host is typically expected to provide the main course, think about requesting side dishes and desserts.

Leave the choice of what to bring to the people attending. Part of the fun of a potluck is the variety of dishes. This not only relieves much of the stress of planning dinner for a group of people, it typically saves you a ton of money without sacrificing the quality or quantity of your holiday meal.

4. Organize a Secret Santa Christmas

Instead of buying gifts for everyone you know organize a Secret Santa. It’s a fun tradition for many people during the holidays. And it is commonly done among friends and co-workers. Secret Santa is a great way to save money at Christmas, as you are buying one gift instead of many. And you can set a limit for the gift. Not only will it save money for you at Christmas but will help others stick to a Christmas budget too.

For example each person involved buys one gift. Set a limit of $10- $15. Each person wraps the gifts and at the party or event each person picks a name or number on the gift or randomly draws a name from a collection of participants.

It may be difficult to get young children on board with the idea of receiving only one gift for Christmas. But it is an ideal way to get adults involved in gift giving while saving money at Christmas time.

5. Shop All Year Round

For many people, shopping for Christmas gifts all year round is one of the best way to save money at Christmas. Besides This reducing a lot of holiday shopping frustration. It also saves you from paying over hyped holiday gifts. Year-round shopping allows you to take advantage of amazing sales and you can stretch your budget throughout the year.

Concluding Five Ways to Save Money at Christmas

These are just five easy ways to save money while investing in yourself. Remember, it’s not the amount of money you spend, it really is the thought that counts!