Boost Your Metabolism Mid Life with These Foods

foods that boost metabolism to lose weight loss

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Boost your metabolism with food — it’s easier than you think!

It may sound too good to be true, but scientific studies have found that women who consume certain foods end up losing more weight than those who don’t eat these foods. So how do some foods work to burn fat! By increasing the metabolic rate.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular foods that burn fat, according to science.


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If you enjoy chocolatey cocoa treats! Then it’s good to know that cacao and cocoa are tasty treats that may boost your metabolism that helps to burn fat.

Raw cacao is especially good as unlike regular the processed version tends to reduce the amounts of beneficial compounds (Trusted Source).


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Legumes and pulses —  lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans and peanuts, are foods that are enjoyed by those eating a plant based diet. As they are particularly high in protein compared to other plant foods.

Studies suggest that since beans have a high protein content then it requires your body to burn a more calories to digest them, compared to lower-protein foods ( Source) .

Legumes also contain a good amount of dietary fiber, such as resistant starch and soluble fiber, which your body can use to feed the good bacteria living in your intestines.

In turn, these friendly bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, which may help your body use stored fat as energy and maintain normal blood sugar levels (45).

In addition, peas, fava beans and lentils also contain substantial amounts of the amino acid glutamine, which may help increase the number of calories burned during digestion (Source).

Beans are a preferred protein source for dieters everywhere. They contain a healthy mix of protein and carbohydrates. Beans are challenging to digest, so it takes your body longer to process them.

In one study, humans consuming a legume-rich diet for eight weeks experienced beneficial changes in metabolism and lost 1.5 times more weight than the control group.

Legumes are also high in arginine, an amino acid that may increase the amount of carbs and fat your body can burn for energy (Source).

This is a good thing, because it keeps your blood sugar stable and helps you stay full longer.

But the real magic of beans lies in their fiber content. Fiber is like a workout for your digestive system. It keeps things running smoothly, and prevents your blood glucose from spiking too high. Plain beans are the best choice. Sugary baked beans or fatty refried beans can sabotage your weight loss efforts in contrast to their low calorie food counterparts.

Milk Organic Whole Milk

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Of all the foods that burn fat, calcium is perhaps the most popular proven metabolism booster. In fact, studies have proven that calcium causes weight loss.

You can get calcium from vegetables like broccoli, but dairy products remain the most popular choice. Choose products made from 2%, 1%, or fat-free milk. They deliver the greatest amount of calcium in the lowest amount of calories.


Eggs are one of natures nutritional powerhouses, as well as being a great source of high-quality protein. The protein increases metabolic rate by about 20–35% for several hours after eating, so its easy why to include eggs in your weekly diet.

Green Tea

Green tea has been touted as a dieter’s miracle drink for years. It contains powerful antioxidants that reduce the number of potentially cancerous free radicals in the body. And, it’s a wonderful drink to sip throughout the day.

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Green tea is a natural diuretic which helps to get rid of retained fluid. And, due to its low caffeine content it’s enough to give you a little metabolism a boost without avoiding undue stress on your body.

Green tea has also been studied as a fat-burner, and the results have been encouraging. People who drink 4 – 6 cups of green tea per day enjoy faster weight loss than those who don’t drink green tea.

Protein-Rich Foods

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Snacking on nut such as cashews help to rev up your metabolic rate through the day.

Protein-rich foods, such as fish meat, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds, not only help us feel fuller for longer but could help increase your metabolism for up to a few hours.

Protein-rich diets also reduce the drop in metabolism often seen during weight loss by helping your body hold on to its muscle mass. What’s more, protein may also help keep you fuller for longer, which can prevent overeating.

Water Not a Food But a Metabolism Booster

Okay, so water isn’t a food, but it’s top one the list for improving your metabolism. Water dilutes sodium that help to beat bloating. Water also satisfies the appetite. But did you know that water can also keep your metabolism running at maximum efficiency?

It’s true: Our kidneys are our primary filtration system. They help pass toxins and waste fluids out of our bodies. But they need plenty of hydration to keep functioning well. When they are deprived of water, the kidneys call on the liver for back-up.

While the liver can serve as a secondary filtration system, that is not its best use. It is designed for, and excels at, turning stored fat into usable energy. But when it has to support the kidneys, the liver cannot metabolize fat as quickly as it used to.

You can bring your metabolism back up to speed by drinking plenty of water each day. There are plenty of ways to enjoy water such as adding fresh and frozen fruits to making your favorite fruit infused water.

Concluding Foods to Boost Metabolism

For a quick and productive diet overhaul, start eating foods that burn fat. Add 64 ounces of pure drinking water each day. If you prefer to follow a weight loss plan then you’ll want to check out the latest plan that touts successful and permanent weight loss solutions.