Over 50 Foot Care Tips

foot care tips for women over 50

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And if you’re like most women over 50 we can do foot care tips to make up for some of those beatings over the years — think of the times they got pinched into heels, walking barefoot all summer, or maybe spending a winter in wet n’ snowy boots.

All that wear and tear can take a toll. In fact, a lot of people are quite self-conscious about the  of their feet. And that self-consciousness only seems to increase with age.

You see, just like our skin ages with those wrinkles and age spots our feet feet begin to show signs of aging as you grow older. The skin that was once smooth, and soft may become dry, rough, leathery, cracked, and not to mention the chipping and unmanicured nails.

And since you don’t a life without ever donning flip flops they we have the tips to care for your tender tootsies into your 50’s and beyond.

5 Anti-Aging Foot Care Tips

Prevent Collagen Loss with Anti-Aging Moisturizer

image of moisturizing foot cream

The bottoms of the feet are made up of fatty “adipose” tissue. These fat pads provide shock absorption when you walk, run, and play sports. This layer of tissue works to protect the bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels of the feet. Without these fatty undersole pads, walking would be very painful.

Since, these walls of fatty adipose tissue are made up of collagen and elastin they need care to hydrate moisturize and treat them we as they make the foundation and framework for skin, bone, and connective tissue.

One of the best foot care tools I own is a callus remover. It gets rid of rough skin. It only takes a few minutes after the shower and my heels are smooth again.

Collagen and Elastin

Collagen and elastin are responsible for keeping skin firm, youthful, smooth, and elastic.

As the body ages, collagen and elastin production slows down, and whatever collagen and elastin you do have tends to break down. This breakdown of collagen and elastin reduces the fat pads on your foot, which can make walking more painful. And, like the face, the skin of the foot can also begin to show wrinkles and other signs of aging.

One way to fight the signs of collagen breakdown in the feet is by applying a moisturizer or anti-aging product containing Vitamin B3 or niacinamide. This potent anti-aging ingredient helps fight wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, and increases smoothness.1

You can also encourage collagen production by eating a diet high in collagen protein. Good sources of collagen include eggs, fish, and bovine bone broth. You may also want to consider taking a collagen supplement. Studies have shown that collagen supplements can encourage collagen production and decrease the rate of collagen loss, resulting in smoother, firmer-looking skin.

Below is a Gentle Foot Peel on Amazon for Baby Smooth Feet

2. Skin Roughness – Exfoliate Your Feet

A lot is required of feet, so it’s no wonder foot skin is thicker than it is on other parts of the body. But over time, that skin can thicken to the point that it becomes rough and leathery.

To help keep skin smooth and soft over 50, another foot care tips is to exfoliate your feet regularly. You can do this by soaking your feet in warm water to soften the rough skin. Then, use an exfoliant to gently scrub at the dead, rough skin, avoiding the sensitive, softer parts of your skin.

After exfoliating, apply a generous amount of moisturizing cream to your feet. Keeping your feet well-moisturized will not only help reduce rough skin and dry cracked heels – it will also help keep your feet looking young.

Minimize Sun Damage

Just like the rest of your body, the skin on your feet is susceptible to the damaging effects of UV rays. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature aging of the skin. In fact, UV rays are responsible for a staggering 80 percent of skin aging. The free radicals from UV rays contribute to sunspots, collagen breakdown, and crepey, wrinkled skin.

To minimize sun damage, be sure to rub in a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or greater sunscreen onto the tops of your feet when you’re going to wear sandals. A broad spectrum sunscreen will help protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause damage deep beneath the top layers of skin, and UVB rays cause sunburns on the surface of the skin. Both types of rays accelerate the development of aging signs and increase the risk of serious skin problems.

Want to give your sun protection game a boost? Eat foods that help eradicate sun damage. Here are some healthy foods to snack on:

Broccoli, strawberries, red pepper: rich in vitamin C, these foods can help prevent irritation and age spots caused by the sun.5Pomegranate seeds: high in ellagic acid, pomegranate seeds help protect the skin from UVB rays.6
Green tea: this hot (or cold) beverage is stocked with UV ray-fighting polyphenols.

Care for Your Toenails

You might not think about it often, but it’s important to practice good toenail hygiene. Toenails that aren’t cared for properly can lead to ingrown nails, odor, and the growth of fungus which can leave you with thick, yellowish nails. No thanks!

Foot Care Tips for Women — Healthy Toe Nails

  1. Using a gentle soap wash under and between your toes and rinse thoroughly
  2. Pat your feet dry with a towel to avoid moisture that can invite odor, bacteria, and fungi
  3. Keep your feet as dry as possible at all times
  4. Wear cotton socks and breathable shoes
  5. Wear a pair of flip flops and don’t go barefoot in the locker room of the gym
  6. To avoid ingrown toenails, cut nails straight across

5. Enhance Visible Veins

As you age — your skin becomes thinner and the veins beneath your skin may become more visible. As if that weren’t enough – it’s also common for veins to become permanently dilated as you age.

To prevent unnecessary dilation — use a cream rich in flavonoid extracts, like grapefruit, green tea, and pomegranate. Flavonoids are plant antioxidants known to strengthen blood vessel walls which can help prevent dilation and the appearance of enlarged veins.

Easy Care Foot Tips for Women 

Remember that your hard-working feet deserve some care and indulgence, too. With a little extra attention, such as in these foot care tips you’ll be ready show off your feet in no time.

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4860369/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4860369/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24964816
4. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003284.htm
5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18691514