Live a Limit Free Life Own Terms
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” – Albert Einstein
We try so hard to fit in, and at the same time we long to be unique. Often times we get sense or some type feeling that calls out to us. It reminds us to live free and live a limit free life, on our own terms. So why do we get stuck? From the time we are small, we are told to behave, follow, fit in and to be just like everyone else. We are told to color in the lines, and what colors to use. If we do as we are told, we are praised for listening. And though you saw things differently, did anyone ever tell you to dare to be different?
Do you wonder if they had if things would be different? Would you be doing the same work? What about relationships? Would you play it safe or adventure around the world? Is it too late? The good news is that it’s never too late to change your life
We can’t turn back the clock, but we can however make changes, and finally dare to play big in life and dare to be different.
However, it may take a little time to refocus on what we want, and how to get it. Through life we take on many beliefs, most of which are not ours. Below are a few social norms that most of us learn. But the good news is if we get stuck and need to a little help listening to simple hypnosis can help get us back on track.
Below is 5 Social Norms to Reframe and get Our Life Back on Track
1. Break Free from the Crowd
There are times when it’s a good idea to be part of the crowd. Like at a rock concert where everyone’s in rhythm to the beat as they’re cheering and clapping.
But have you ever considered how someone has to be the start of the show. How they took their own road and dared to be different.
In life there are times when its good to brake free so you can follow the beat of your own drum, Instead of following along with the crowd. Both can be rewarding enjoy the time with people. But never be afraid of breaking free from the crowd.
2. Do the Unexpected to LIve a Limit Free Life
There are certain traditions that dictate success. For example, you might have been told that going to university will get you a great job. And even make you a ton of money. Is this true? There are plenty of people who followed this plan. Only to end up incredibly miserable and broke to boot.
Sometimes doing what stands out gets you much further in life than doing what you’re expected to. There are thousands of millionaires who barely passed grade 10. Do the unexpected and following your path is far more rewarding when done on your terms and not of others.
3. Discover Your Purpose
What if you chose happiness. Instead of getting a raise, buying a better car or move to a bigger place. You could consider how to be different by doing what you enjoy as you live a limit free life. Want to know how to be different… by finding your purpose and living to your potential.
4. Take Chances to be Different
By hanging back, you’ll never risk losing anything. You’ll also never get out of whatever rut you’re currently in. If you want life to change for the better or to find success, sooner or later, you’re going to have to have to try, no matter what the outcome.
5. Break Away from Expectations to Live a Limit Free Life
Some rules are meant to broken. Just because there are expectations and rules it doesn’t mean that they are right for you. The problem following such as expectations is that they may make others happy, but what about you? Because you might not have the same goals, passion or values you do. Wouldn’t it be better to do what is best for you?
We only have one life to live that we know, and life goes by so quickly. Follow your heart and dare to be different. Living on your terms is the path to happiness.
Want to know how to be different and live on your terms?
>> Visit Limit Free Life and begin today!