Ways to Stave Off Depression After 50stave of depression after 50

Dealing with depression is something most people face at some time in their lives. And with age there are addition factors that may affect us. To help keep it in check here is a few ways to avoid depression after 50. Aging gracefully is a feat most of us hope to achieve. While many focus on the beauty aspects of anti aging, one incredibly important factor is take care for our emotional well being.

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In this article we look at ways to stave off depression after 50.

As people grow older, there are some common brain and mental health issues that can occur. However, there are things that you can do to fix what’s going on so that the conditions don’t get worse.

By taking care of the problems now, you can live a vibrant life. Sometimes, a loved one, friend or doctor may point out what they suspect is happening, but you might see signs yourself and even take preventative steps early on to stave off any brain or mental health conditions.

But first look at a few reasons depression may affect us.

Depression, Loneliness and Mood Swing 

Aging brings about some changes that can affect the mind as we age. One of these issues is depression. It’s not uncommon for depression to occur was we age (but it doesn’t mean it will happen). Below is a few reasons that may lead to depression:

Health Diagnosis

A health diagnosis can turn anyone’s world upside down. And as we age it may seem as if we are dealing with a variety of health issues. For example, if someone whose been active is dealing with chronic joint problems may no longer take part in activities that they once enjoyed doing.

Life Changes in General

Life is made up of constant change. As we age we see more than our share of positive and negative change. Sometimes we find ourselves thinking about how life once was and what and whom we miss. Empty nest, family changes, a shift in relationships or impacts on our health.

These are just a few of life changes that sometimes feels a little overwhelming. As humans we may be upset or learn to cope with such changes but there are times when we get stuck in the sadness and we need some extra help. If you suspect you are depressed don’t try and cope with it alone. Instead talk you a Dr and seek help right away. To help you identify possible depression below are a few signs.

Signs of Depression After 50

  • Uninterested in engaging in any social activities
  • Lack of appetite
  • Prolonged insomnia
  • Avoiding family and friends or reaching out often
  • Overspending or not buying what they require
  • Sleeping too much or not sleeping at all
  • Seeking distraction that may not be healthy (examples: alcohol. gambling)
  • Mood swings – may be due to health issues or related medications

While depression may be mild or short lived, it has the potential to take a grip. So if at any time you feel angry, fearful or have prolonged sadness it is important to talk to someone to try and see what is the underlying cause.

Loneliness and Isolation

Another factor in depression may be due to loneliness and isolation. With age comes job changes, retirement, the loss of friend and changes in family situations. So its important to maintain relationships by join groups and discovering new activities. 

Changes in lifestyle and habits can show up as mood swings or outbursts of anger or anxiety, which is often a sign of fear. Staying involved in activities and socializing helps to give a sense of control over one’s life.

Healthy Ways to Fight Off Depression After 50

Sharpen Your Brain at Every Opportunity

The key to keeping the brain sharp is to engage in continual learning. When you challenge the brain it helps stimulate the neurons. There are numerous ways to engage in mental exercises that can help your brain stay healthy as you age.

Read and Journaling

there are plenty books to read or listen to. And if your on a budget,you can borrow them from the library or read books that are readily available on an electronic device.

Learn a Musical Instrument

Another way to stimulate and sharpen the brain is to learn a musical instrument. Another option is to learn a new language.The latter is ideal should you chose to plan a travel adventure.

Brain Games

There are games that help to sharpen the brain – such as Sudoku or puzzle games. And there are also vocabulary games such as Wordscapes or Words With Friends. In addition there are the old favorites such as Chess or Scrabble. Plus there’s online versions of these games.

Get Social

We are social creatures. Isolation is something that affect your health and/or contribute to the decline of cognitive skills. Join in with others, even if it is uncomfortable at first socializing will get easier and enjoyable too.

Ways to Meet People

Volunteer- Being of service to others not only helps give a purpose, and it’s a way to meet new friends.

Social Media Groups – If physical issues are a problem, then join like minded groups on social media. It maybe a support group, a positive vibes group or other interests.

Spiritual Activities- Attending church or other spiritual groups is another great way to meet people. You fell part of a bigger picture while taking care of your spiritual self. 

The key is finding something that you like doing with people that you enjoy spending time with.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Something that can take a heavy toll on your mental health is your physical health. When you don’t feel good, it can impact your outlook on everything.

Address Any Chronic Pain Issues

As you get older, it is possible to suffer with some form of chronic pain. If chronic pain is holding you back from living then it is important to get help. This type of pain occurs for a reason, so it’s important to discover the root cause so it can be properly treated. Instead of living with the stress, frustration and anger of pain, take charge, get treatment so you can begin to take back your life.

Mental Health

When you take care of the pain it will in turn reduce stress and anxiety levels. Many people don’t realize the pain and other health issues plays a role in their mental health. This is especially common for people who suffer with long term conditions. They often do not connect their condition with their emotional wellbeing.

One such condition is diabetes. When blood sugar and hormones are out of balance it can have a direct impact on our mood. Not only is the condition potentially life changing if left unchecked but it can also lead to depression as well as the physical issues.

This is a time to take an active role in your health, preparing and eating quality food as well as participating in form of exercise is an excellentl way to help stave of depression after 50.

Medications Can Contribute to Depression

Most medications have some form of side effects. Some may cause brain fog, while others may cause severe diarrhea. There is a plethora of side effects. It’s never too late to learn about good nutrition and supplements to add into your diet.

These topics are a great interest for many people as they decide to take responsibility for their health back. Of course, never make any changes without talking with your Dr. and make changes with professional help.

Many of the health issues that occur with aging are common and can be managed by paying attention to lifestyle choices. But the biggest concern for seniors is in the area of depression over their health.

Health Related Causes of Depression After 50

Dealing with any of the above health issues can lead to people experiencing depression.

In truth most people are not equipped to deal with some of the changes that may come with aging. For this reason it’s important to take care of yourself as a whole – this includes your mind, body and spiritual needs as much as possible. Take care of your health as soon as you can – if you are in good health in your 50s and 60s, there’s a better chance you’ll feel when you’re in your 70s and 80s.

Improve Your Health From Where You Are

Even if you already struggle with health issues, it’s important to realize your power. And know there are step you can take to improve from where you are now. Start by creating a schedule that includes everything you need to do in a day that will propel you towards better health overall.

Schedules Can Help to Stave Off Depression After 50

Not only will a schedule help to include what matters most (such as your health), but a schedule helps to establish a sense of security as we age. Knowing what to do, when to do it, and, how the day is going to unfold can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels too.

Schedules are good for structure and better for your mental health. It can help alleviate the feeling that you have nothing to do, which can sometimes be an issue with senior citizens who’ve left the workforce.

Have a Sleep Routine

Keep a regular sleep routine. Our bodies require enough sleep to rest and heal.This can ensure that you get enough sleep so that it’s not affecting your physical health or your moods since a lack of sleep can make you irritable.

One area that needs a schedule involves when you wake up and when you go to sleep. It’s so easy to slip into the habit of staying up too late and sleeping in, especially if you feel as if you don’t have anywhere to be the next day.

By having a schedule, you’ll get up at the same time and sleep at the same time. This causes the body to adjust the sleep patterns so that something like insomnia isn’t a problem.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise benefits the body and it also help to keep the mind sharp. Plus, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and boost your mood.

Put Social Time in Your Schedule

Make time in your daily schedule for socialization. Look on Facebook for local groups of interest. Whether it is a hobby group, dance class or you can start your own group for like minded people. A schedule will help you to get everything done as well as act as a reminder as to the things you wish to include.

Concluding How to Avoid Depression After 50

This is a time to live, and having a plan to fill your days with meaning will help to keep depression at bay when your over 50 and beyond. However, depression is not always as simple as making a few tweaks to your life. It often requires help. If you have sign of depression then get help. Talk to a Dr right away and get the help you need now.