Should You Keep a Gratitude Journal – Reasons to Keep a Gratitude Journal
There are so many reasons to keep a gratitude journal. Many people talk about the power they get from keeping a gratitude. It helps keep them grounded, helps them stay positive and it even helps them to attract more of what they desire in life. Today we take a look at journalling, the benefits and should you keep a gratitude journal.
We live in a world where we are bombarded with pain and anguish. This can make it difficult to see all the good things that surround us. To help us keep balance in our physical and spiritual life keeping a gratitude journal helps us to keep a healthy focus in our life.
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One example is that we may see the rain and above the clouds the sun is shining. simple things are easy to forget unless we make a conscious effort to focus on what we appreciate. Writing in a journal is a great way to help us focus on what matters. It help us to remember what we enjoy even when all in the world is not as we would like it to be.
Keeping a journal doesn’t have to be complicated. You can make notes of simple things that you appreciate and brings you joy. You can fill your journal with all of the good things you have in your life. Make notes about simple things such as having a warm bed, fresh food, a friend you cherish, your pet, or the beautiful flowers in your yard. Your notes can be as simple as you like or y0ou can write in great detail about what you appreciate or what you are thankful for.
Power of Keeping a Gratitude Journal
The power of journal writing can change your life literally. The dark can turn to light and it will all of the allow you to notice the good around you. And when you journal each day you begin to train your brain to notice all that is good and positive.
As a result you can actually change and rewire your mind to notice more of what is beautiful in the world, and what you are thankful for. All of which will help to attract more of the positive, beautiful things that you wish to to have in your life.
Is It Easy to Start a Journal
I must admit it took me a long time to start a journal. Just like taking my vitamins I got into the habit for a few days and then stop. However I did notice a difference when I broke the habit. So I decided to it was important enough to make journaling a habit.
I have had my fair share of times when I see the darkness, the doom and gloom and until I catch myself going down a hopeless path, feeling empty, be reminded of pain and wondering why so much is so wrong in the world and then I add that to me self as a burden. It’s so easy to fall of track so daily writing in your journal will become a habit, and after journal-ling for 30 days you will create a habit and want to write daily.
Notice More of the Positive With a Journal
You will see what you begin to notice what you are thankful for daily, even more will come to mind. You will begin to notice more positive changes in your life. If you have children you will set a wonderful example, they will begin to notice your appreciation and not your criticism. You will attract more positive people into your world, you will notice new doors open as you will be open to see them and the opportunities that arise through them. You see what you focus on you will attract more of.
Focus Your Attention on the Positive
So if you want more positivity in your life start the process. Choose where you will you will focus your attention, positive or negative? You can only focus your attention at one thing at a time so it may serve you well to notice the positive.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you find your mind wandering to the side of the negative, just notice your thoughts and be aware. As you practice you will rewire your thoughts and notice the good stuff.
And don’t forget you’re only human there are times when you will feel angry, frustrated. This is part of who you are and you can’t deny or shut out those feeling but bring your thoughts back to what you have seen that day that brings gratitude into your life. Use a journal to write down everything you are thankful for to reflect upon them.
Journal writing is a practice to improve your self and to realize there is good all around you, that your are abundant. Below are some of the suggestions below, I hope these will give you a starting point for your journal writing.
What to Write in a Gratitude Journal
Below are some suggestions for what you are thankful for:
- What you bring to the world
- Your ability to help another
- The power to leave a bad relationship
- Your ability to thrive and even survive
- The solid roof over your head
- Thankful for fresh, clean air
- The clothes to wear this morning
- Your access to healthy and delicious food
- The power to change a life today
- The ability to stand for what you believe in
- A warm and fuzzy blanket to snuggle in
- You are surrounded by friends and neighbours in your community
- Someone loves you and you may not even know them
- Your gift to share with the world
- You can say “thank you” and change a life today
- The access to clean and pure drinking water
- You can make a choice for your life
- You can help someone make a choice
- Thankful for your health or have medicine to heal
- The ability to change directions when your off track
- You can take steps to pursue your passion
- You are courageous and strong
- Your ability to make a change in the world
Concluding Should You Keep a Gratitude Journal
Think of all of the things you can be thankful for, get a journal and write from your heart, write whatever comes to our mind and awaken what lies deep in your soul, for what you write freely is what you truly want for your life and the lives of others.
I am thankful for you,