Stop Bladder Leaks with Supplements

Coughing, laughing, and sudden urges to pee? Then the chances are you are one of the millions of people who suffer with bladder leaks. So before you opt for drastic measures like surgery,consider taking bladder leak supplements that can help to support your pelvic floor.

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You take a multivitamin for your joints, Vitamin D for your bones and other supplements to keep you healthy – so what about taking supplements for bladder health? So if you suffer with:

  • Frequent Urination (more than 7-8 times a day)
  • Sudden and urgent need to urinate
  • Urinating only small amounts at a time
  • Bed wetting and difficulty sleeping
  • Waking more than once to urinate during the night
  • Bladder leakage when exercising, coughing or laughing
  • or leakage during sex….
  • Then read on because we talk about supplements for bladder leaks.

Most people are not aware that there are supplementary pills for bladder leaks. In fact most give this condition no thought until bladder leaking becomes an issue. So today we talk about incontinence and a supplement that can help!

What the Doctor Says

supplements for incontinence

If you want to live a more natural lifestyle, you likely take daily vitamins. Such as Vitamin C to fight off colds and in the winter melatonin to help with sleep. With that said, it is important to note that almost all vitamins and supplements are not tested or approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

That doesn’t mean they aren’t good for you. Millions of Americans take supplements daily. So why not supplements for bladder leaks.

Bladder Leak Supplements Do They Work

It’s an issue that no adult wants to talk about or confront – losing control of your bladder. Also known as urinary incontinence, loss of bladder control is an issue that affects millions of people. With an estimated 25 million in the U.S. alone suffering from this condition.

Most of the people who suffer from this condition are women. In fact, the difference is so stark that approximately 75-80% of all adult Americans with urinary incontinence are female.

Given this fact, it’s understandable that women everywhere would be looking for help to stop bladder leaks.

What Causes Bladder Leaks (Incontinence)

There are a number of factors that can cause both temporary and permanent urinary incontinence in women. Causes for temporary incontinence can range from pregnancy drinking a significant amount of alcohol, caffeine, or carbonated drinks. Or eating certain foods such chili peppers and chocolate, or some medications, and more.

Additionally, medical conditions such as a UTI or constipation can also cause the development of temporary incontinence.

Permanent incontinence, on the other hand, has different causes. These include:

  • Pregnancy: The weight of the fetus, combined with hormonal changes, can affect bladder control.
  • Childbirth: Natural delivery can lead to weakened muscles, including those that help with bladder control. It can also cause damage to the bladder nerves and supportive tissues, all of which can result in incontinence.
  • Age: As people age, so do their muscles – and this includes their bladder muscles. Aging of the bladder muscles can result in a reduced urine storage capacity and cause involuntary contractions of the bladder.
  • Menopause: Menopause results in lessened estrogen production. Aside from a number of other things, estrogen also helps keep the lining of both your bladder and urethra healthy. Less estrogen results in the deterioration of these linings, which can increase incontinence.
  • Disorders: Both neurological such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, and physical issues, such as an obstruction in the urinary tract, can increase incontinence.

Treat Bladder Leaks with Natural Ingredients

Confitrol 24 consists of the UroxTM proprietary blend of herbal ingredients, which work together to restore the urinary tract. The mix consists of three raw herbs and extracts.

These are Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Lindera (Lindera aggregata), and Cratevox™ three-leaf caper (Crateva nurvala) extract. They are used in a proprietary combination that create these all natural supplements for incontinence.


all natural horse tail for bladder leaksRaw horsetail contains a thiaminase-like enzyme. This enzyme breaks down thiamine (vitamin B1) in the body.

The horsetail used in Urox® is extracted using a method that destroys this thiaminase-like effect, preventing vitamin B1 depletion.


incontinence supplement ingredients cateva nurvalaCratevox® is a specialized extract of Crateva nurvala plant. It is used in multiple levels of standardization to ensure the consistent quality and effectiveness as a natural ingredient.

Three-leaf Caper helps enhance bladder tone.



lindera aggregata Linda aggregata help promote the anti-aging effects for bladder health. It also aid in fighting the bacteria that causes disease and urinary tract infections.

All in combination for an all natural supplement for incontinency.


Types of Urinary Incontinence

Before finding a solution to help you stop bladder leaks, it’s essential to understand two things – the cause of your incontinence and the type of incontinence you have. The cause can help determine what type of treatment you need – incontinence due to pregnancy, for example, likely will not need much treatment aside from waiting until the birth.

While a disorder may require medical treatment. With this said incontinence also known as urinary bladder leaks can help, especially when it comes to the health of naturally supporting the pelvic floor.

But before we talk about the supplement it important to understand a little about the types of incontinence so you can best chose the best option to treat your bladder leaks. This is because some treatment options only work for certain types of incontinence.

There are several types of incontinence. These include:

Stress Incontinence

This type of incontinence is a result of stress or pressure on the bladder and is the major cause of incontinence in younger women. Causes for stress incontinence include pregnancy, coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting something heavy, etc.

Urge Incontinence

If you have this type of incontinence, you will likely feel a strong, sudden urge to urinate, followed by a loss of bladder control. The onset of the desire to urinate is often so strong that you cannot get to the washroom in time. In women with urge incontinence, the desire to urinate can be as much as eight times a day.

There are a number of other types of urinary incontinence, but these are the most common in women.

Treating Urinary Bladder Leak (including supplements)

There are a number of treatment options for urinary incontinence. These include changes in behavior, including dietary changes, pelvic muscle exercises, and more. Additionally, if the cause of your incontinence is a physical disorder, you may be able to treat the incontinence by treating the cause. Many pregnant women experience an end to incontinence sometime after birth.

However, not all cases of incontinence have such straightforward treatment options. Many cases, especially ones that are caused due to aging and menopause, may find that they need medication to treat their issue.

Confitrol24 a Supplement for Bladder Leakage

Natural Health Source offers a easily accessible, effective solution with bladder leak supplements. Confitrol24 offer women a confidential and prescription free way to strengthen the pelvic floor to help stop daily bladder leaks.

These pills have been developed by doctors and are specifically meant for women suffering from symptoms of an overactive bladder.

Containing a proprietary, specially formulated, patented Urox blend of ingredients, this supplement claims to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor and sphincter at the cellular level.

This allows you to regain control of your bladder, while the ingredients in the supplement also help fight off bacterial infections and offer anti-aging benefits to boost the health of your bladder.

The patented Urox blend present in the supplement has been clinically tested by the School of Medicine at the University of Queensland. Still feeling doubtful about taking the plunge and trying Confitrol24?


Product Name: Confitrol24™

Product Description: Confitrol24 is a clinically proven supplement to treat urinary incontinence.

Brand: Leading Edge Health

Offer price: 59.99

Currency: $

Availability: In Stock

Overall 4.5
  • Reduce Occasional Leakage
  • Enhance Bladder Tone
  • Decrease Unexpected Urgency
  • Anti-Aging Effects for the Bladder
  • Support Urinary Tract Health

Confitrol 24 Pricing

Confitrol24 is a little higher in price than some supplements for bladder problems due to it high quality all natural ingredients. To make the pills more cost effective they manufacturer offers very attractive discounts if you buy in volume.

The supplement comes in the form of capsules, of which you take two daily. Each bottle contains 60 incontinence supplements or a month’s supply. It costs about $59.99. If you opt for long term plans, you can save a lot of money.

  • 2 monthly supply costs $109.99, saving you $9.99.
  • 3 month supply costs $154.99, saving $24.98.
  • 6 month-supply costs $289.99 so that you save $69.95 (Gold package)
  • To get the best deal many people chose the annual supply to save a whopping $319.99 (Titanium package)

If you buy in higher volume, you spend less over time. Remember also that there is a money-back guarantee if it doesn’t work, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose.

Where Can I Buy Genuine Confitrol24

The only place to purchase genuine Confitrol24 supplements is on their official website online. By doing this you are guaranteed to get premium supplements while avoiding inferior and fake products. It’s important to note that these incontinence supplements are NOT available on Amazon or eBay, Walmart or any other store. FOr this reason Confitrol 24 is sold exclusively through the official website and affiliate sites.

Concluding Bladder Leak Supplements

In addition to all its benefits, it also offers users a 67-day money-back guarantee. If you try their supplements for two months and find that they don’t help with your incontinence issues. All you need to do is return the empty containers to them and get a full refund!

With a risk-free guarantee for first-time users, Confitrol24 is the perfect way for women to take back their health and their dignity in an easily accessible way!

supplements for incontinence


Medical Sources for Bladder Leaks and Incontinence Issues