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smartphone in the bedroom- mature woman sleeping

How Weighted Blanket Help for Insomnia

Weighted Blanket for Insomnia, Stress and Anti Aging Too! Weighted blankets work for many things – like stress, anxiety, anti aging… but what about sleeplessness. Do weighted blankets help for insomnia? The short answer is yes. But to get a better understanding read on an we tell you how they work. First let us look …


Mid Life Insomnia and Hormone Imbalance What to Know

If You Suffer with Mid Life Insomnia, Hormone Imbalance May Be The Problem Tossing and turning, can’t get comfortable and you just can’t fall asleep. If this sounds familiar and you are struggling with mid life insomnia the chances are your hormones are out of balance.

smartphone in the bedroom- mature woman sleeping

Ease Aging Insomnia with These 7 Ways

7 Ways to Combat Aging Insomnia  Is aging insomnia a thing? Yes, it is. As we age lots of things change, and one such thing is our sleep patterns. And while too much sleep is not always a good thing but lack of sleep may be hard on the body, physically, mentally and emotionally. Today …