Venus Factor for Women Updated 2.0

Venus Factor for women

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See why women choose Venus Factor for Weight Loss
Many women mid life years struggle to lose weight. Between menopause, and often health issues the battle is one that can be tough.

In this article we look into a very popular weight loss program — Venus Factor. And we aim to answer the question does the Venus Factor work for women in their prime?

Venus Factor Quick Over View

Venus Factor is a popular weight loss program that has been around for sometime. It was recently upgraded to the new 2.0 version. The program reports to help women look better and feel sexy and enjoying life as they should.

Venus factor is the program for women and they have a program for men called the Adonis Golden Ratio.

What is the Venus Factor 2.0

First off, the Venus Factor is a 12 week diet plan is designed for women who want to lose weight safely and keep it off. VF is created fitness and nutrition expert John Barban. The core strategy is to control Leptin levels, the hormone that affects the metabolism hindering weight loss.

The Venus Factor Plan includes an eBook/manual, the 12-week fat-loss system, access to a virtual nutritionist and, an app to help track food intake. There is also a community, which includes forums, Facebook community and blogs to help you succeed. It’s offers everything you need to lose weight successfully.

Does The Venus Factor Work to Lose Weight?

John Barban, the creator of the Venus Factor has made a few bold claims about the VF weight loss program for women. According to the official website, it is much more difficult for women to lose weight and keep it off. This plan makes sense as it’s created by a nutritional expert, backing so let’s keep going.

Here’s an overview of what Venus Factors claims it does to help women:
  • Lose weight quickly, safely and naturally
  • Get into excellent shape without spending a fortune on unnecessary weight loss pills
  • Drop fat with a step by step weight loss plan, without the need for exercise (although exercise is recommended due to benefits way beyond weight loss. Yes, walking for weight loss counts)
  • Naturally approach to losing weight and as a result change their life
  • Uses a step-by-step, in the simplest manner
  • how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Get Started Today!

However, just because the VF is a good product that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone:


  • Women who are serious about losing weight and want long term results.
  • Reclaim their life and enjoy good health, happiness and confidence.
  • Women who worry about or are obese and wand a realistic eating plan.
  • People committed to changing their body, put in the work and commit to a healthy lifestyle (and get back on track even if you slip up in the process).
  • Willing to take responsibility for your weight loss goals releasing old habits and excuses.


  • If you’re looking for a “lose weight fast fix” a weight loss diets that drop a few pounds only for a few weeks, not for a lifetime.
  • Anyone whose decided this isn’t going to work before they begin.
  • Not committed to having a life they really want,? whose just not serious about loosing weight, and having excuses for why they can’t even of they when the plan has everything they need.
  • If you’ve struggled, are unhappy, sick and tired of being overweight and ready to change then isn’t this worth the commitment. Venus Factors offers women who want to lose weigh the safest, quickest, and most natural way possible AND keep it off for good.

Click Here To Grab Your Copy Of The Venus Factor Now – A Weight Loss Program Specifically Designed For Women!

What Happens After You Purchase Venus Factor

If you decide to purchase the Venus Factor, here are the steps you’ll see.

When you click on the link to make your purchase of the Venus system? you’ll be met with a number of additional offers “up-sells”. The process can be very annoying but this is typical of most programs.

While you can skip them often you’ll find some that will speed up your weight loss process (but not necessary for success).

Are There Additional Products Required

in short, no! However there is an upsell of VFX weight loss formula weight loss pills. That claim to help speed up your weight loss results. However, they are not a requirement as part of the program.

Support Group

Venus Factor Weight Loss Support Group. This way you can connect with people on the same weight loss journey.

Final Phase

The VFX Final Phase, “Momentum” showing you how to keep the weight off after success with the Venus Factor program.

Meal Plans

Meal planners making it easier to know what to eat to lose weight. Good meal planners save time, money and help staying on track easier.

Can the Up-sells Help You Lose Weight?

Up-sell’s are additional products designed to enhance the original product.? Depending on your personal, needs some will be beneficial while others won’t.

If money is tight just get started, skip the up-sells and don’t put off loosing weight.

However, if you’re willing to invest the money to increase your chances of “weight loss success,” the additional products offered can be extremely helpful.

  • Weight loss pills can help fat loss, but they will only ever work if you follow the plan to begin with, they are not a replacement but may help you lose faster as you do Venus Factor.
  • Support is great. When we are alone no one to answer to we tend to slip off track, a support system connects you will people who are on the same path as you. This is a place to help, share and get support.
  • The Final Phase product can really help taking the “guesswork” out of what to do after finishing the Venus Factor system. As lose weight our bodies adjust and its important to know how to keep burning fat and maintain your toned body.
  • Meal plans can be a saving grace, if you want to save and stay on track having meals planned is the answer. Not knowing what to prepare can throw us off track quickly, grabbing some junk food to fill the gap. If you don’t want to think about what you’re going to eat a meal planner maybe the answer to helping you with your weight loss goals.

After you complete the up-sell steps and choose what you would like (if any), you’ll be taken to the Venus Factor Homepage where you’re able to download your product(s).

Why is the Venus Factor for Women Different

The weight loss market is a multi-billion dollar industry preying on people desperate to lose weight. There are tons of programs that claim to have the answers, most have no credibility and simply filled with junk.

There are endless reasons that make the Venus Factor stand out from the rest, one is its actually created by a nutritional expert and some one minute “so called” expert. Here are some other credible factors that make the difference.

Weight Loss Fundamentals for Success

A core fundamental is you need to burn more calories than you consume. The Venus Factor gets to the point of how this works without the fluff and confusion. By following by eating the “right” calories This is the only way that you can lose weight safely and successfully.

Not all calories are equal so you’ll learn where calories come. Especially the good ones — “Macronutrients”, as well as the pros and cons of protein, carbs, and fats.

You’ll learn about fat-loss hormones, (Leptin) the ones that rarely get discussed and how to optimize them? to increase your chance of “weight loss success.” Venus Factor simplifies this!

Can You Eat Junk Food on the Venus Factor Plan

We all enjoy a treats from so of your wondering if you can eat junk and still lose weight on the Venus Factor plan? The good news is yes!

The Venus Factor will teach you how to lose weight with eating healthy foods WHILE eating your favorites. Let’s face it if we feel deprived its easy to fall of the wagon. Eating our treats has benefits, they are part of our emotional and social life.

The Venus Factor show’s you how enjoy the foods you love and lose weight for long term success.? It will also show you how to deal with setbacks on your weight loss journey, which are bound to happen.

Venus Factors Step-By-Step Instructions

One of the most important factors is to overcome the overwhelm and have a step by step plan to follow.

When you start your weight loss journey you are making adjustments for a better life, but it still can be confusing. The Venus Factor takes away the confusion giving you a clear plan to follow.

Success happens when you have a clear plan!

Not only do they give you get the main Venus Factor system teaching you everything you need to know to lose weight you also get:

  • Samples Meal Plans Taking the “guesswork” out of the process will help simplify everything so you can focus on your weight loss goals.
  • A Nutrition Calculator A calculator that will help you determine the number of calories you need to lose weight.
  • Easy-to-follow Exercise Guides See what workouts to do in order to accelerate the fat-burning process.
  • Exercise Video Library Get over 100 videos perfect for beginners teaching you how to perform each exercise included safely and effectively.

Now you’ve got everything included for success!

Visit Venus Factor for More Details!

ESSENTIALS: The Venus Factor will educate you in the simplest, easiest-to-understand matter and then give you detailed, step-by-step guides on what to do to achieve your weight loss goals and keep it off. Click Here For Your Copy Of The Venus Factor!

Is the Venus Factor Legitimate

Among the thousands of weight loss systems the Venus Factor stands out as a legitimate course. As you can see through the review the Venus Factor covers everything you need for success. All you have to do is commit and follow the steps set out in the plan.

The Venus Factor gives realistic steps for women to lose weight ling term. There is no miracle cure, no magic pill, and no way to lose 15 lbs in 5 days.

Sadly these programs make a lot of money because people are so desperate to lose weight fast. As quick as they appear they make millions and disappear until the rewrite the same old garbage under a different name.

If you those programs run, because they don’t work. I know they sounds tempting but all you’ll loose is your hard earned money. So yes its a legitimate program backed up with proven testimonials!

Will Venus Factor Work for You

We understand that over 95% of weight loss products just don’t. The Venus Factors appears to offer a well rounded program. They teach solid methods such as counting calories and they address leptin and how leptin can stop us from getting results we desire with weight loss.

The information in the Venus Factor will work if you follow the steps within the program.

Can You Lose Weight Quickly with Venus Factor

The Venus Factors focus in on successful long term weight loss. While loosing weight quickly is a dream fast weight loss is not a reality. Successful weight loss takes time. There are plenty of examples where weight loss goals backfired.

Kelly’s story…she ate the same, didn’t exercise, spent over $400 on supplements (after a health scare) and lost 13 lbs. in 6 days. Motivated by her initial success she set a goal to lose another 30 lbs. but her success was short lived. She was convinced the supplements were the answer but never considered other recent changes in her life.

She’d recently retired from a fishing lodge where she worked as a cook, she ate rich food and indulged in “several” pints of beer daily.? When the job ended so did the rich food and beer.

And similar to Kelly’s experience this is where most diets fail. They don’t see the big picture. Having the right information, and considering the physical and emotional factors are part of the plan.

Having a piece of the puzzle doesn’t work, having the whole plan does. It’s the consistent act of following the plan step by step that will get results.

And that’s exactly why The Venus Factor is perfect for you. The weight loss program lasts for 12 weeks. But you don’t have to wait 12 weeks to see results, you will see changes daily, weekly and as you lose the weight the side effects are immeasurable.

Better health, more confidence, feeling free and happy can’t be measured… they are priceless.

Is Venus Factor the Best? 

As mentioned above the Venus Factor will work if you stick with it. It goes without saying all diet will work if followed. While I like the Venus Factor I am a big believer in lifestyle changes that bring long term success. And, that can enhance other aspects of our life.

While I like what the Venus Factor has to offer if you are a mature woman looking for a healthy way to lose weight that’s easy to maintain. I highly recommend the Mediterranean diet. Though its called a diet, the Mediterranean plan is truly is about eating foods that help are good for our mind and body — helping us live our best life!

If you chose the Venus Factor program its important to know that there is a money back guarantee if it is not for you.

Whatever you do, commit to your wellness.

You can do this!

Are There Any Con’s About The Product?

While there are endless pro’s the one con (against) the Venus Factor and that is some of the exercises require free weights. To do those specific exercises you may want to head to the gym, borrow some from a friend or better still buy some second hand from a thrift store or online.

If you don’t want to invest in a few weights then:

  1. Follow the exercises that can be done without weights (you’ll want to tone as you lose the weight)
  2. Learn some body weight exercises, and create your own workout, or
  3. Follow a proven body weight exercise plan such as Bodyweight Burn.

Remember, exercise isn’t required for you to lose weight because the most important factor for weight loss is your nutrition, however, it can be used to accelerate the process.

What You Get When You Purchase Venus Factor

If you decide to purchase The Venus Factor (which is a highly recommended weight loss plan), you’ll receive the following:

  • The Venus Factor Fat Loss System. The 12-week-plan that will teach you everything you need to know about how to lose weight, sample meal plans, and a whole lot more.
  • Workout Plans. Showing you exactly what exercises to do, how many reps to do, etc. in order to tone your muscles burn fat.
  • Nutrition Calculator. A calculator that will show you how many calories you need to eat in order to burn fat and keep it off for good.
  • Exercise Video Library. A video library with over 100 videos showing you exactly how to perform each exercise in the safest manner possible while maximizing fat loss.
  • Physical Copy. For those of you who don’t like the digital version, you’ll be able to get a physical copy shipped to your house too!

Does Venus Factor Offer a Guarantee?

venus factor money back guarnatee



The Venus Factor system comes with a 100% money back guarantee.

If for whatever reason you don’t like it, simply send them an email within 60 days of purchase. Simply say you want a refund, and they’ll give you your money back.

And the same for the physical copy – send an email, just return it and they’ll give a refund (minus shipping and handling). A money back guarantee shows that they stand by their product.

Final Words About The Venus Factor for Women

The Venus Factor is a comprehensive weight loss product for women. If you are ready to commit for 12 weeks you will get results.

However, if your are ready to end the frustration, lack luster energy and low self esteem and trade up to a body you want, abundant energy and enjoy the life you deserve then Venus Factor 2.0 many be for you!

With that said if you are seeking a lifestyle change that is more than diet and exercise is I highly recommend you visit the Mediterranean plan. It is top on my list as I clean eating and lean toward vegetable, cheese and good fats!

Visit Venus Factor 2.0 here <<

Check out my review of the Mediterranean Plan Here <<