What Is SIBO aka Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Cause and Ways to Prevent It

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Let’s face it Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is quite the mouthful. So to save time and get to the point we” often use it’s acronym SIBO. We’ll talk about what is SIBO, possible causes and possible ways to prevent it!

Although the prevalence of SIBO among the generally healthy population is not clear. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is predominant in people who have pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease. This uncomfortable condition is suspected to affect around 36 million individuals in the U.S each year. Which is about 84% of those living with IBS or Crohn’s.

Is SIBO Serious

If left untreated SIBO can be a serious concern as it poses the risk of causing further health complications. And because of its prevalence in certain vulnerable populations, SIBO can be a difficult problem to prevent. However, in recent years, new information has come to light due to ongoing research. All of which is helpful especially when identifying possible preventative measures.

In what follows, we’ll discuss this condition detailing its most common characteristics. This includes its etiology and symptoms, and then we’ll discuss insight into potential solutions for prevention.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth 

SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is a condition whereby the gut experiences an imbalance in bacterial population. In particular in the small intestine. In addition SIBO is sometimes referred to as blind loop syndrome.

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Possible Causes of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Its root cause is typically in relation due to a consequence of surgery or other disease processes. These condition impairs the normal passage of material through the digestive tract. Which ultimately result in a bacterial overgrowth. In particular bacteria that isn’t commonplace in the small intestine such as E. Coli and Klebsiella that may become overgrown and prominent when the small intestine becomes stagnant and has less motility.

Another potential cause of SIBO may be due to low stomach acid levels, or a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes. Or possibly irregularities in the structure of the small intestine. Another factor may be due to to some medications such as narcotics.

Symptoms of SIBO

If left untreated, SIBO can result in a variety of unpleasant signs and symptoms. Some of which may include:

  • bloating
  • cramping
  • nausea
  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • and malnutrition

And in some cases, it may contribute to the development of kidney stones.

Other Causes

In the most severe cases, SIBO can result in the exacerbation of underlying health conditions such as:

  • celiac disease
  • irritable bowel disease

While SIBO can develop in anyone, it’s most commonly reported in individuals with pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. Other patients who have had previous abdominal surgery and have developed adhesions, which are adhesive bands that can develop between membrane surfaces, are at risk of having SIBO. It can also be seen in individuals who have unrelated health issues like obesity and diabetes.

Potential Solutions for Treatment and Prevention

Because the most common cause of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is previous surgery of the abdomen, it’s difficult for an individual who has this history to be able to change their risk by themselves. Additional surgical intervention with adhesiolysis, which is repairing or removing adhesions, would be a possible treatment.

In some cases the medical condition may be treated with antibiotics such as Rifaximin. It is a FDA approved medication for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. And has been useful when treating some patients who suffer with SIBO. One advantage is that rifaximin decreases the activity in the colon. Thus lowering the risk of overgrowth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile in the colon.

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Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent SIBO

It is possible to prevent and ease many health issues by improving our lifestyle choices. This may include:

  • Manage weight in an effort to prevent the possible development of diabetes
  • Eat a balanced diet that avoids sugar , dairy and some fruits and grains that may exacerbate the condition.
  • Participate in daily exercise
  • Take measures to reduce stress

It may also be beneficial to supplement with vitamins and minerals that are most commonly deficient in many individuals.

In addition, a pancreatic enzyme may be prescribed if the cause of SIBO is a result of digestive issues due to pancreatic insufficiency.

Managing Other Health Conditions That May Lead or Contribute to SIBO

Since SIBO is often a consequence of another existing health condition. Get regular check up and make sure to manage any existing conditions.

In some cases of SIBO, the use of antibiotics for prophylaxis is appropriate for prevention of the condition. The specific regimen of antibiotics will often need to be adjusted in order to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Finally, other possible suggested treatments include probiotics and the use of statins, but current studies have not conclusively shown their benefit.

Final Thoughts on What is SIBO, Causes and Prevention

Even though there are some medical conditions that place certain people at a high risk and at times render it out of their control, the good news is that it is possible to reduce and even prevent SIBO.

It is essential through at all stages of our life that we take proactive measures to care for our health. This includes eating a diet that includes the essential elements. Such as fruit, vegetables and fiber in the right amounts. Drink plenty of water and exercise on a regular basis. Allo of which are part of living well to live an optimal life.

And as always, when in doubt you should talk to your Dr or specialist to help get you on the best path for your health.