Here’s why English cucumbers are packed in plastic

English cucumbers in a box
(Images courtesy: iStock)

When it comes to cucumbers, English cucumbers are considered the best. Crispy crunchy, and packed with flavor. But unlike other cuc – we ask why are English cucumbers packed in plastic?

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Benefits of English Cucumbers

It is because they are healthy and nutritious, with low calories. This crunch veggie is high water content, which makes it an excellent hydrating food.

In addition they’re a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. The water packed cuc’s have thin, edible skins and small seeds.  Which makes them easy to eat and digest. From salads to smoothies, they can be used in a variety of dishes.

Eating English cucumbers can support:

  • healthy digestion
  • provide antioxidant benefits
  • help protect the body against free radicals
  • fight inflammation

So why are English cucumbers wrapped in plastic?

One thing that may stand out is that these cucumbers are still wrapped in plastic when they get to the vegetable market.  And while some people might find this packaging unnecessary or wasteful, there are several reasons why they are kept wrapped up wrapped and should remain this way.

Protecting the integrity of veggie

One of the main reasons why English cucumbers are wrapped in plastic is to protect them. As a water packed vegetable with thin skin they are susceptible to damage during transportation and storage.

English cucumbers are easily bruised, so when they are bumped or scratched, or bumped against other items it’s easy to damage their skin. In fact they are so water packed they may get pulplike if squashed. So wrapping them in plastic can help to prevent the, from this types of damage. Which ensure they’ll arrive in good condition and ready to be be enjoyed.

Keeps them clean and ready to eat

Another reason why English cucumbers are wrapped in plastic is its helps to keep them clean. The wrap provides a barrier that prevents the cucumbers from coming into contact with contaminants, such as sprays, dirt and other matter that might be present in the environment. And, since they are often eaten unpeeled, the wrap is a crucial step when having ready to eat food on hand.

Extends their shelf life

Plastic wrapping can also help extend the shelf life of English cucumbers. This water packed vegetable is easily damaged. So the plastic type wrap helps stop them from decaying too quickly if they are not stored properly.

In addition wrapping them in plastic helps to reduce moisture loss as a result can extend their shelf life and keep them fresh for longer.

Concluding English Cucumbers

Finally, the plastic wrap can serve as a marketing tool. The wrap often has a label or branding on it. This helps to distinguish them from other types of cucumbers and make them more appealing to consumers. The package information may include the quality type, its origins of the cucumber. All of which can help to build consumer trust, while encouraging customers to seek them out and make repeat purchases. and why not- they are truly delicious and crunchy!